On My Own

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                  Callie POV:

When I finally stop, I fall to the ground again and scream.

I throw as big of a temper tantrum as Cato did.

I don't care if someone comes out of the brush right now and kills me. Let them know I'm here. And let them know that I am ready to play the Hunger Games.

Luckily I have my pack with me along with 4 throwing knives and a machete.

Inside my pack there is a full jug of purified water, iodine, 3 packs of trail mix, some bandages, an odd looking tub of bacon, and a pair of night vision goggles.

I can work with this, I think to myself.

I thought about my enemies. Who might come to attack me and kill me out of cold blood? Everdeen? Maybe. Thresh? Probably. The Careers? I think most definitely. I can't really think of anyone else that would though.

My best bet is to climb. Yes, I know I suck at it, but it's my best option to stay alive.

I made sure that my weapons were strapped to my belt properly, and my pack was closed, and then slowly and carefully, started to climb.

I made my way up to the second fork in the tree and sat. I couldn't really sleep because I was afraid that I was going to rollover and plummet to the ground. My worries made me watch as the moon slowly made its way across the sky. Every inch it moved forward, I think a degree dropped.

I tried to move around a little bit to stay warm, but every time I even twitched my nose, a chill of wind would zip past me and down my spine.

One of the things I really needed. A sleeping bag or fuzzy jacket. I really needed a feast right about now.

But one thing kept me going. The thought that I was the youngest in the Games right now. And even though I am from a Career district, it is pretty impressive that a 12 year old stuck around this long. People back home would be cheering for me. Begging that I would hang on.

It would be too hard on my family to lose 2 children. And though Cato's odds are the highest, he is stupid. Incredibly stupid and cocky. I won't hide it. My brother is stupid. He thinks that everything he does is godly, and will not double check or make sure of anything. It's like a test, he won't double or triple check anything before turning it in. He just hands it in and is convinced that he'll get a passing grade.

Therefore, it is up to me to keep myself alive. He has not listened to any ideas I've had during these entire Games, and it has cost him greatly. Hopefully, now that I'm gone, he will know how idiotic he has truly been.

                             Katniss POV:

     It is nightfall. Rue is not at our spot yet. I'm starting to get worried, she is probably keeping a low profile because of the Careers. My thoughts about Rue led me to think about Callie. How she broke down at the death of the boy from District Three. How she made a statement for running away from the Careers.

     Yet another reason why I need to kill her.

     I know I would never forgive myself if I did, because, after all, she is just a kid. Whatever she's done out here is to go home. To survive and run back into her mother and fathers arms.

     To live.

     Based on slickness, her and Foxface are my biggest competitions.

     Callie is less experienced, so she may be easier to track down. But like I said before, I was not sure I could forgive myself for killing a child like her.

Callie Hadley: District 2Where stories live. Discover now