The Opening Ceremony

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It had been 2 days since we had met with the District 1 tributes. All of the tributes finally have arrived at the Capitol which means that I will be stripped bare and given a complete makeover. I don't think anyone else thinks about the fact that the tributes that live closer to the Capitol get there faster. And District 12 takes a good less than a day, so that leaves me a good 15 hours alone with the people from districts 1 to 4. Since I am from a wealthy district, I have taken care of myself pretty well. So there isn't really much to be done, but I have a lot of grime on me. That is my main problem. My prep team waxes, shaves and washes a shivering me. Being bare makes me uncomfortable. My prep team is made up of Brandy, Tavina, and Sweeny.

     "Oh, Orius is going to love you!" Brandy swoons. "You are just so perfect and cute!"

     My prep team works swiftly as they do my hair, nails, and light makeup. And soon enough, Orius enters the room. The team is so anxious about their work on me, that they are biting their long, fake nails, and pulling their crazy fake hair. He slowly circled me like prey, examining every single part of my body.

     "Interesting. Very interesting. Very muscly. We can do something with this. I was thinking something like those Greek or Roman armor suits made of gold."

     And me being me, I spoke up.

     "You know what could make that even cooler? To represent Masonry, we could maybe have like-knives coming out of the backs of it or something-"

     "Whoa. Are you trying to change my design?"

     "Well, I was just thinking-"

     "No. you don't think. You only do."

     "It will draw us more attention-"


     "I think she's right," whispers Brandy.

     "Me too," Sweeny says.

     "Me three," Tavina agrees.

     "Maybe you're just mad about having your idea's shunted to the side, but I definitely thought Callie's idea is great," remarks Brandy.

     "We don't have nearly enough time!"

     "It's a small change! A few hours is all we need!" Tavina says.

     "For 2 costumes to have knives sewn into the back? We can make a compromise. Have those sword holder thingies and put swords in each. That will only take a moment. Here put this on and wait here. We will be back soon," Orius says, throwing me one of those light hospital dress thingies.

     My prep team leaves the room, and I am left alone with nothing to do. I look around the boring, sad room in wonder and curiosity.

     Maybe 10 minutes pass, and soon my prep team is back with my new and improved costume.  They hand me a beautiful gold dress (toga) with a matching helmet and a sheath that goes around my chest. I put it on, and I immediately feel the part.

     We go outside to meet my brother and I can see he is wearing something similar. Together, we go down to our chariots. I can see Marvel and Glimmer look glamorous. Everyone else looks okay, but the people who catch my eyes are the District 12 tributes with black jumpsuits and makeup. Peeta and Katniss. Katniss is looking somewhere around me, above me, behind me, then she looks away. Oh wait- I turn around and see my brother, the one giving her a stare off.

     I give him a "really" look. And then I say, "I don't like Glimmer."

     "Me neither kid. Why do you think I stopped your fight before she could say anything back? I'm on your side. Even when it seems like I'm not. Have faith, little sis," my brother replies.

I continue to look around, and everyone does the same. Scanning every inch of each other. But soon enough, it's time. We hop onto our carriage and soon set off after the District 1 cart.

My brother kept a cheeky smile on his face and looked everywhere at the crowd. They cheered and cried at his menacing look. But I stood there, stern as ever, looking confused in front of the crowd. Then my brother nudged me. "What are you doing? Smile! Be yourself! Do what Brutus said!"

"Wait what? Brutus never told me anything!"

"Oh well. Just do the opposite of what I do. It's what he wants."

So I smiled at the crowd, looked confident and happy, and made the crowd scream and cry for me. But then I noticed that they weren't screaming at us anymore. They were screaming at someone behind us. Looking at the screen, I saw the District 12 tributes on fire. No, literally on fire. Darn it! Oh no. My brother will NOT be happy.

I completely forgot about how the tributes from 12 stole my thunder. I was just nervous about what my brother would do about it.

We finally stopped at the circle. One by one, the chariots stopped around us. President Snow addressed us an have his speech.

Finally though, he sends us through the training center.

As our stylists were taking our costumes off, I saw Cato glaring menacingly at Katniss. She stared at him for a little bit, then looked down. I shoved him.

"What was that for?" he asked angrily.

"Look big brother, I'm all for intimidation, but you're doing it to the point where it is starting to get a little creepy. And what did Brutus say to you?"

"He said, to be a stern, strong and bold brother, while you play a lovable quirky, secretly devilish little sister."

"Why didn't he tell me?"

"I don't know."

Now, Cato and I were walking to the Training Center, and to our floor. Walking into the elevator, I said, "I am going to give Brutus and earful."

My brother chuckled and said, "Go for it! I want to see this."

We got to our floor, and I stomped angrily toward the dining room, where Brutus was stuffing himself. Putting my hand on his chair, I swiveled it around.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!" I screamed in his face.

"Tell you what?"

"The plan for the chariot! How Cato and I were supposed to play opposites!"

"I didn't tell you? Oh well."


Brutus peeked off of the side of my face and looked at my brother to say, "Can you please contain your sister? She's going to get on my nerves soon if she does not leave me alone!"

My brother shook his head and said, "Not a chance. You definitely deserve her wrath."

"Now you listen here boy, sponsors are one of the things that determine life and death in that arena. And I am the only thing in between that. You better get her off of me or I will-"

He didn't need to finish that sentence before my brother nudged me, and I knew what I had to do. He pulled me into my room and said, gripping my shoulders with his strong hands, "That was brilliant. The wrath of Callista Rosier Hadley is exactly what will make 23 tributes drop dead. Keep it to yourself. Just go out there and be brilliant in training."

Then left to go to his room next door. But I shivered at the thought of that because my brother is one of them. I thought I needed a well deserved break, so I hopped in and out of the shower, put on silk pajamas, and crashed my head against my pillow without even tucking myself in. Slowly though, my eyelids grew heavy and then it was light's out for Callista Rosier Hadley.

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