Cartoon Summer x Yandere Cartoon cat (fluff) pt 2

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(Summer's pov)

I groaned and instantly woke up. My head was aching and I was freezing cold. I looked around in confusion and saw that I wasn't in my house anymore. I was in some type of old building that could fall apart at any second. "What happened?" I asked myself. "All I remembered was this cat creature breaking into my house and searching for something. Maybe this think took me here, it probably knocked me out" I thought and stood up. I began walking while listening closely for anything that could harm me. I didn't like this place already, everything was too dark to see and there were blood and bugs everywhere. The smell and bugs made me cover my nose and look away in disgust. I had to get out and fast. I've been walking for ages now and I still couldn't find an exit. This building was like maze.

I sighed and carefully sat down, making sure the sharp glass doesn't cut me. I was cold, very cold. Even though I have fur, the place was still freezing. While I was trying to warm myself up, I heard a slight giggle. I lifted up my head and looked around to see where that giggle came from. My eyes spotted a long, fluffy black tail and white toon gloves like mine. I lifted up my head and saw two big eyes with a big grin. My fur puffed up as my eyes went slit. I tried to back away from the creature that was starring at me, but my back was already against the wall. "H-hello?" I quietly said. The creature giggled again and started to aalk up to me. "Hello darling~" he purred. My breathing became heavy and I quickly stood up. Before I could run away from the cryptid, his arm stretched and reached towards me. He tightly wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me back towards him. "Your not going anywhere toots~" he smirks, snuggling up to me. I shrieked and froze, as I watched him smile widely. "W-what do y-ou want f-from me?" I stuttered. "I want you~" he said, stroking my head. I growled and slapped his hand away. "What do you mean you want me? You don't even know me you weirdo!" I yelled with anger.

The cat glared at me and his grip tightened more, making my eyes widen. "Be quite!" He snarled. I winced in pain by his tight grip and nodded. He grumbled and sat down, placing me on his lap. I began struggling, wanting to get away from him. But he was too strong, I groaned and looked down. "Who are you?" I asked. "I told you to be quite" he replied with a growl. "I just want to know your name" I rolled my eyes. "My name is Cartoon cat and your in my home" he responded. "Cartoon cat? What a weird name" I thought and before I could speak, he continued to talk. "I brought you hear because I want you all to myself. When I saw you, you made my cold heart warm up~" he smiled with small hearts in his eyes. I looked away, feeling very uncomfortable. "So he's been watching me for weeks!? I knew I felt like I was being watched!" I yelled in my head. I didn't relize that he had blood splattered on his black fur. "Why do you have blood on you!?" I yelled in shock. "While you was unconscious, I was getting hungry. So I went out to go grab a tasty meal" he smirked. I wasn't gonna ask if it was animal meat or not. I'm already grossed out by this place and I didn't wanna throw up what he ate. "I-I wanna go h-home" I frowned. "Why? Don't you like it here?" He narrowed his eyes at me. "Uh, I-I do! It's just so cold here and there isn't a bed or food and water hear" you told him. "No worries toots, I can go grab those things for ya" he smiles and snuggles me. I cringed at the nickname. "I need to find a way to get away from him. When I escape, I'm gonna move to somewhere far away from this horrid place. I'm an idiot for not moving from the start. The missing posters, the news on the tv and the noises I hear every night"

I was lost in thought that I didn't notice that Cartoon cat got up and started to take me somewhere. I snapped out of it and began to get anxious. "W-where are you t-taking me?" I asked, my voice getting low. "I'm taking you to your new room. You must be exhausted dear~" he responded. I watched as he went up to a broken door. He used his other hand to turn the handle and open it. He stepped inside and gently placed me on the dirty bed. "I'm not sleeping on this" I said, gagging. "Yes you are, I better not see you walk out of this room. If I do, your gonna get a punishment~" I gulped and nodded, seeing him walk out the room and closing it. I felt my heart beating rapidly. "What am I gonna do? I'm not gonna sleep on these filthy bedsheets. I'm gonna try and get out of here when he's asleep, hopefully he won'twake up" I thought.

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