Part 11

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It was now Tuesday, about 4 days since I had visited Eddie. Things had changed since then.
I walked into the cafeteria and sat down in my seat with the other cheerleaders. We were at the table next to his, which meant we heard pretty much everything he said. He was very loud.

"So, y/l/n, I'll be seeing you tonight right? Surely you're dying to fuck me." He teased.

"In your dreams, Munson." I smiled mischievously.

His eyes carefully looked me up and down before he flashed a smirk and a wink. He then went back to talking to his friends. I felt my cheeks heat up.

Ever since we had kissed, Eddie and I developed a new sort of dynamic. We were on the same wavelength with not wanting everyone to know we were friends. If they saw us being nicer to each other, they would think that I actually slept with Eddie due to the comments he made.
He still made these comments, but they weren't mean like they used to be. He claimed it was a subtle way of flirting with me.
Instead of us fighting, it was us flirting.
If I were to be entirely honest, I really liked it. Lately it had become more suggestive, but I couldn't say it didn't excite me.
In fact, I liked it so much that I had been deliberately wearing more revealing clothes. I didn't go too far though, I didn't want anybody to notice. My skirts did get shorter though.
From what I saw, Eddie really liked it too. I would catch him practically eye-fucking me in class.
It had taken a turn from the sweet romance it had been when it started, but there were still sweet moments. Occasionally, we would wait until everyone had left one of the classrooms so he could pull me aside and give me an innocent compliment, or he would tell me he missed me.
It was like we were dating, but it was secret and we didn't label anything. In a way it was nice, he would do everything he could to get even a few seconds alone with me; even if it was just to ask me how I was doing. It was sweet to see him go out of his way like that and try to be sneaky.
Other times he would be risky with it though.
I walked out of the cafeteria and down the hall. I turned the corner to see Eddie by the front door, looking like he was about to leave.
I carefully checked the space around me, making sure there were no people before I sped over to him.
He looked up and flashed me a smile.

"Why are you over here? Class just started and we'll both be late. You know what people would think." I said, slightly annoyed.

"I mean it'll just give me the chance to keep talking about fucking you." He leaned in, voice getting lower.

"Which means they'll just brush it off, and I'll still get to see your pretty, flustered face."

I was caught off guard, my breath hitched and rendered me speechless. Eddie chuckled,

"Oh you think I don't notice? You're really bad at hiding it sweetheart, I see it every time." He smirked and lingered next to me for a moment. He then walked away.

I was left in the middle of the hall, my face flushed and in shock. Though he's been doing this kind of thing more frequently as of late, it still stunned me every time. I wouldn't admit it directly to him, but I loved it.


I unlocked my door and set my things down before looking outside to see if Eddie's van was there. I couldn't handle the tension he created and needed to do something about it. Ideally, I would just hang out with him to put myself at ease.
I spotted his car, then opened my door and walked across the way.
Eddie and I had been hanging out quite a bit outside of school as well. It was less of a romance thing and more of a close friend thing. We would talk for hours and laugh at absolutely nothing, it was like a break from the real world. We didn't have to pretend, we could just act normally.
I knocked on his door, hearing it rattle a bit.
Almost immediately, Eddie answered. He has a big smile glued to his face like he expected me.
His hair was disheveled and he didn't have his jackets on. His rings weren't on either.

"Hey y/n. Come in."
He opened the door and gestured for me to follow him. He lead me to his room.

"Sorry for the mess, I've uh been distracted recently."

He sat down on the edge his bed next to his guitar. He then picked it up and started strumming fragments of a song.
I sat on the other end and listened to what he played.
After a while he spoke.

"You know, if you really wanna hear me play you should come see my band. We play at The Hideout on Tuesday's. Plus, it would be really cool to see you in the crowd." He smiled at me.

"What time?" I giggled.

"We don't have an exact time, we just play when most of the people are gone." He was now focused on tuning his guitar.

"Well I'll try to be there" I laughed.

He then looked up at me and stared with a smile.

"You're really pretty you know."

I smiled before shaking my head.
"Such a charmer." I said sarcastically.

"No really, you're beautiful y/n." His smile grew bigger. I felt my cheeks flush.

Eddie set down his guitar and started moving closer to me.

"So, so, beautiful."

I could see his eyes darken as he leaned in and kissed me. This time he was rough and passionate. His hands traveled all over me as he pushed me back so I would lay down. His breathing got heavier as his hands rested on my hips. I let out a shaky breath, causing him to stop entirely.

"Not so fast sweetheart." He smirked.

"I can't touch you just like that. You have to work for it." He leaned in more.

"If you come to the show, maybe I'll be more uh, willing, to please you." He said with a knowing tone.

I knew then that I would have to go. I couldn't handle any more of his teasing.
I would go, and I would fight fire with fire.


I had gone home soon afterward, trying to think of a way to get payback. If he was going to tease me, I would do the same thing back.
I flipped through my closet, looking for something that would get his attention. Then, I had found it.
A tiny black skirt. It wouldn't show everything, but it would show enough to mess with Eddie. I found a shirt to go with it and put everything on. I walked into my bathroom to see how I looked.
And I looked amazing.
I smiled to myself, excited to show off in front of him.

Now, all I had to do was show up.

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