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"I do not want to be here." Toma paid little heed to my words of protest, wrapping her hand around my forearm and giving me another tug down the corridor. Was anyone else to do this, even Azriel, I would be fighting tooth and nail but Toma somewhat scared me.    

In fact, Toma was the only person that I think I was truly scared of, mainly because she was very good at reading seemingly every thought in my mind as if she was a daemati. Even my own parents had not been able to do such a thing.

"Nonsense. It is a family dinner and you are family."

"They hate me!"

"Rhysand is your younger brother and most certainly does not hate you, nor does Azriel, or Carasai and Cassian is a good boy." Toma argued. "He will like you once he gets to know you but he cannot get to know you if you sit and sulk in a library!"

"Fine, Morrigan!"

"Mor just needs some time to get to know you whilst you are not attempting to argue with her." Toma drowned that argument out as I huffed. She had got me there. "Now, we're going to have a nice family dinner with no snarky comments thrown around. Yes?"


"Good girl." Toma nodded, looking most pleased with herself, before linking her arms with me and leading me into the dining room. All chatter came to a stop at once as I fought to keep a scowl from my face.

This was not welcoming. I'd had nicer receptions from the dead, and that was saying something.

"Maiya?" Even Azriel looked surprised, his eyebrows raised before he saw his mother and they lowered. He knew his mother as well as I did and knew just how persuasive the woman could be when she wanted something.

"What is she doing here?"

"It's a family dinner, so I invited her." Toma replied, pushing me towards a seat by Azriel as she sat on my other side. I knew that in doing so, she was making sure that I could not escape for either her or Azriel would catch me. "Now, what are we having for dinner?"

"She's not welcome." Morrigan looked annoyed, and I was more than ready to open my mouth and have an argument, but surprisingly, Rhysand was the one to cut her off.

"She's my sister, Mor." Rhysand placated, food appearing in front of us. Carasai sat by his side, shooting me a warm smile, her golden dress pooling around her looking just like the Day Court princess that she had always been. "She's always welcome to eat with us."

Morrigan huffed, not finding anything to say against my brother as Azriel's hand landed on my knee, squeezing gently. I relaxed, beginning to eat as the table stayed in an uncomfortable silence, despite Rhysand, Carasai and even Azriel (who was notoriously hard to get to speak) trying to start a conversation.

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