How it started.....

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"Morning sweetie" said my mom, "Good morning, what's planned for today" I replied. Its always just been me and my mom. Were so close, I can tell her anything. "Well today I'm going down the shore with Kimmy and Danny" (my moms best friends). "So I'm guessing I have to go with you" I said. "Well no, your going with Danny's sister and her two kids." OK , I went up to pack my stuff. My mom was staying for a week so I packed what I thought I needed. But I always over pack. 1 hour later..... Brianna are you ready. "Yes I called down". We drove to a big house with a big front yard. I was jamming out to 5sos. So my mom had to practically scream my name "Brianna"my mom yelled. "Oh what."I got out and was exited. We knocked and a boy about the same age as me 14 answered the door. His eyes where so blue I thought he was wearing contacts. "Umm hi I'm Hayes Grier". The beatiful figure said. I chocked up, "Hello I'm Brianna" I replied

(My love)A Hayes Grier fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now