Johnny part 2

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as i was walking home i saw andres with a girl?? what was this some kinda of joke? i ignored it and continued to walk to my house. once i got there i went into my room to see andres and that girl passionately making out on his bed. i felt heart broken. i decided i was going to go over to his house and make out with that girl. i confidently walked over to his house, quietly opened his front door, tip toed to andres's room and walked in. the girl saw me and said "uhm andres who is that??" andres turned around in shock. "JOHNNY?" i just looked at him and grabbed this actually hot girl by the arm, brought her close and started to make out with her. andres started screaming at me but she just wouldn't let go. i guess i am a good kisser. he got so jealous he pulled me away from her and started kissing me instead. he pushed me onto the bed and the girl yelled "EW WTF YOU FA-" and then i woke up.

Johnny x Andres - a terrifying yet romantic TRUE Love story (a Jandres story)Where stories live. Discover now