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i was such a pansy that i didn't talk to him at all during lunch. we just awkwardly sat there eating that atrocious food.

the last bell of the day finally rang and i'm heading to the bus again ready for my long drive home. Finally my bus stop, i hop off and start to trot my way home as i unzip my minecraft creeper hoodie. as i'm walking home i realize that i have to pass HIS house. i get nervous but quite excited at the same time. there he is. right outside his door digging into a rather large box. i stop as i watch him. for some reason it's quite hot. he looks at me. "uhm hey!" i say knowing my voice just cracked terribly "hey, i just moved in a crossed the street" he says his voice raspy sounding like he's almost.. forcing it to sound like that. "haha yeah i can see" oh no, did that come out rude? i can't help by overthink my words that i almost forget how to speak. "so uhm i'm johnny what's your name?" he starts to speak but almost rethinks what's he's gonna say.. "andres, johnny is a really h- i mean cool name" "haha yeah,." i start to walk away regretting that i didn't talk to him more. i can't go back now though i'd be stupid.

Johnny x Andres - a terrifying yet romantic TRUE Love story (a Jandres story)Where stories live. Discover now