"Love me already!"

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Nobody knew what to think in that moment.

Maybe Akane shouldn't have.. but in a matter of seconds he landed a punch to Teru's ribs.

"Akane! What are you doing!?"

"Blegh— that idiot.."

"Come on, man! That's unnecessary!"

"Akane!!!! ( ཀ͝ ཀ͝ )"

Akane didn't even understand why he did that, was it because he stood up everyone and especially his precious Aoi at the park? Or was he being insincere about not liking Teru?


"Have you gone mad...?!! Teru, are you alright?"

Teru could barely manage a sentence, but he still tried.

"I'm fine, Sakura- don't worry about me."

"Huh?— wait, Akane?? What are .. all of you here for.."

"You never came to our picnic, Teru!"

Said a teary eyed Aoi.

"Picnic?? Teru.. who are these people."

"Some guys I sort of know from school I guess, haha.."

"Why would you even agree to come if you weren't going to!!"

"Uhm, Aoi. I cant really—"

"We already had plans for our date after school."

The entire group had faces of pure disappointment and betrayal, besides for Mitsuba strangely.

"You're from that broadcasting club aren't you."

"Huh?.. well yes."

"With that tsukasa freak?"

"Well, hold on. he is not as bad as people make him out to be—"

"Or that natsuhiko slob?"


"How long have you and Teru been together?"

"Today will be a week."


Mitsuba's boyfriend just stared in shock, but we all know he would be lying if he said he wasn't a little bit proud.


"Are you done punching me, Kane?"

"You seriously piss me off!!— first you kiss me, ask me to kiss you, then totally ghost me after I do!!"

"Akane, you're making a scene."

"I'm not even the most upset over that stuff... I'm infuriated because you got Aoi sad!"

"My love, what is he talking about.. kissing."

"It's true!"

Nene spoke up.

"I recorded the first time they smooched!"


"Mitsuba, shush."

"Kou! (`⌒')"

"If you really think I'll believe that.."

"It's true! You're boyfriend is a scumbag through and through!-"



This was supposed to be a longer chapter sobs))

• Teru x Akane • "Whatever." •Where stories live. Discover now