"Well that was short-lasted."

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The two finally parted lips, but at what cost?

"...I didn't feel anything."

"Huh? What do you mean, teru?"

"I didn't feel anything from that kiss."


"Well, I need to get to my next class."

"Right! Cya!"

"See you."

After some time has passed, Akane still couldn't shake the embarrassing feeling he got after kissing Teru.

*Why did he not feel anything! I mean— I don't like him but still..*



*hmh! He doesn't matter right now, I have the love of my life right in front of me!!! Hah ..I'm so happy <3*

"Would you like to come with me for a picnic after school? Nene backed out because she has something else to do after school..."

"OF COUR— oh of course, aoi!!!!!"

"Haha!! I'm so glad you agreed :D"

"Well, it's last period right now.. should we go check in with nene and say hi?"

"Sure Sure!~"

The two chattered the whole way to Nene (and Mitsuba/Kou's) classroom, Akane's heart fluttered with every word aoi spoke...

"We're here!"

"Oh, alright, aoi! ^^"

"Nene!!! Oh? And mitsuba and kou!~"

"Heh?? Why is nene's friend trying to speak to me."

"Mitsuba! Manners!"


"Ahh Aoi, you and Akane stopped by just to say hi to us??? That's so nice!"

*I never noticed that nene has kind of a lisp if she talks too fa—"


"HUH! Oh, yeah?"

"Humph! Nene , Mitsu, and Kou said they can join our picnic because they have no plans after school and nene canceled her plans because they weren't that important!"

"that's weirdly convenient"

"Should we invite Teru aswell?"

".....uh- well actually"

"YEAH!!! my big brother loves picnics!"

*oh come on.*

Later, the group arrived to a nearby park and placed down everything underneath a large tree.

"Kou d'ya know when Teru's supposed to be coming?"

"Uhh sorry akane I don't </3, he said he was coming though!"

"Let's look for him together!"

"Yes! What aoi said!"

"You gotta be kidding me."



So they wandered back to Kou and Teru's house, but Teru was nowhere to be found?

"No dice.."

"*sigh* let's maybe look around town?"


Even I, the narrator. is unsure if they'll find Teru around h—

"Found him!"

On second thought nevermind.

"Hey Teru!! It's aoi!! You didn't come to our picni—"

But aoi was in a state of shock, was it because Teru didn't show up to her picnic? Or was it because he was kissing some random girl at akane's favorite diner?

• Teru x Akane • &quot;Whatever.&quot; •Where stories live. Discover now