Blueberries, Strawberries, and Pie

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(Go check out God!Teir_AMV on youtube!)

Ginsteake said:

'Congrats Kris you got yourself a question about Spamton from a scale 1 - 100 how traumatized did you feel upon almost dying to Spamton Neo'

Kris: Of course that's the first thing you guys ask me about.

Ralsei: Traumatized?! Kris, you were fine, weren't you? A little shaken up maybe but... Is there something you didn't tell me?! *Grabs Kris' shoulder, worriedly*

Chara: Ok, just looked up Spamton's wiki. This dude's got issues. I wouldn't be surprised if Kris is a little messed up. 

Asriel: Kris? What's wrong? *Furrows his brows*

Kris: *Thinks for a second* I'd say about a 90. 

Ralsei: 90?!!! Kris, what did he do that scared you so much?!!!

Kris: *Sighs and avoids all their eyes* It's not so much that I was scared of almost dying to him, it was more like his very existence got to me. He was a puppet tied with strings. Once he finally received his freedom, he just died. It just... It makes you think things.

Chara: Are you scared of puppets or something? *Stifles a laugh*

Kris: Sort of. There's a specific reason. It's not just puppets in general. *Glares daggers at her*

Frisk: You aren't handling being the player character very well, are you?

*Everyone shuts up and stares at her*

Kris: How do you know about...

Frisk: Undertale had a player character, right? Who do you think that was? *Gestures to herself*

Mittens: If it's any consolation, Kris, Spamton creeped me out when I first encountered him.

Kris: It's not. And, Frisk, how come you never told me this before?

Frisk: I didn't think it mattered. After all, the player just simply guides us on our journey. It's our story that they're playing and learning. *Smiles reassuringly*

Kris: *Blinks* You aren't serious, right? It's our story that they're playing?! Since when did I get to choose what I did?!

Frisk: Are they the ones living in your world? Are they the ones falling in love with Ralsei and have told him such? Are they the ones standing here, in this room, answering asks from their fellow players? No. They aren't. Even if they ultimately choose our fate, Kris, we are the ones that lay down the different opportunities for them to choose that fate. If I wanted to, I could decide to veto their genocide and do pacifist. But I don't. It's my choice to do so.

Sans: And why don't you? *Eye sockets blank*

Chara: *Watching Frisk silently*

Kris: So you're saying it was my choice to allow the player to force Noelle to freeze Birdly to death.

Ralsei: ...What? ...W-when did that happen...?

Mittens: I'm a freaking dead man. Thank you my fellow fandom, I'm now about to be murdered for being a player. Yaaaaaay. I've never even done Snowgrave or Genocide, either, hehe...

Kris: It was an alternate timeline, similar to Undertale's Neutral and Genocide routes. If anything, that timeline made Spamton's fight even more terrifying... He just reached forward...

Frisk: Kris, I didn't-

Sans: Frisk, answer the question. 

Asriel: Erm... Do we have any other questions or dares? I really don't think now's a good time to discuss any of this. *Watching the silent Chara with a concerned expression*

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