Chapter 3: Preparations and Spare Time

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     Remy's POV

     (Warning for isolation, severe neglect, and verbal abuse)

     It was pitch black, and I couldn't see a thing. It didn't take long for my eyes to adjust, and soon I realized where I was. My bedroom. My pitch black bedroom with no windows, black furniture, stone walls and a concrete floor. My grey eyes with gold streaks in them studied the room, and I slowly moved around it. Suddenly, a bright light filled the room, and I shielded my burning eyes from it. When I looked back, I couldn't see anymore, and I had to wait.

     Once my eyes were adjusted, I realized there was food there. My stomach growled, it felt like something inside of my was clawing at my insides, and I hurried to the bowl, not caring about the food's quality as I shovelled it into my mouth. The bright light must have come from the slot she slid the bowl into. It's been a few days since the last time that's happened.

     I could hear her voice outside the door sometimes. I used the fork she gave me to carve marks into the stone while listening to her. Usually she talked about the Queen and her son, she hated them. Sometimes she talked about potion recipes, designs Cruella made for her, working with Mother Gothel on their gardens, or playing chess with Dr. Facilier. Sometimes she ranted about Jafar ripping her off or about whoever crossed her that week and earned her wrath.

     Occasionally she talked about me, referring to me as 'ugly thing' or 'the rotten child' or sometimes Remington. Since that was what I was referred to most, and it sounded like she had a child named Remington when she talked about me, I assumed that was my name. Often I'd hear her with someone else, either one of her friends, one of Maleficent's Goblins or Maleficent herself coming to check in on her, or I'd hear her flirting with a man she brought home. Her room was above mine, so when she was successful, I learnt many things that a child probably shouldn't learn.

     Today, however, as I ate and listened to her talk, she was talking to someone new. It was a boy's voice, a kid, who I learnt from their conversation was the Prince she kept talking about. Virgil sounded like he was trying to figure something out, and my mother sounded quite frustrated. He was here for much longer than Maleficent and her goblins usually were. His voice would fade and I thought he left, but then his voice would become louder again and I'd realize that he just went to another room. Eventually, however, his voice became loud and clear. "What's this door?" He asked in childish curiosity.

     I could hear the sound of the door handle rattling, and I shielded my eyes, ready to protect myself from the blinding light. The rattling stopped, however, and the door didn't open. "That door is forbidden." My mother snapped. "Okay." Virgil replied, and I could hear him walk away. "Then I'll just as my Mom. After all, you aren't allowed to keep secrets from her, so, she would definitely know what it is." Virgil decided. "Of course she does." My mother huffed, and I knew she wasn't lying. Maleficent was the one she would refer to me as Remington the most around. When Maleficent was around, Remington was a powerful sorcerer busy with training, which is why I'm not fully sure I'm Remington.

     Virgil became a more common visitor as the weeks past. He always asked about me after his mother told him the forbidden room was mine. He asked what magic I was practicing, what my hobbies were. When my mother gave vague answers or refused to answer, he would remind her that she isn't allowed to keep secrets. When he wasn't visiting, my mother's rants about Virgil became far more common. He called him a bratty kid with a nose in everyone else's business.

     Maleficent accompanied Virgil during one of his visits, and now she too was curious about me. She told my mother that Virgil wished to befriend me. I got excited when I heard this. Even though I only heard bad things about Virgil, it would be lovely to have a friend. However, my mother was against that idea. Remington was busy with his studies, she informed them. Maleficent demanded to see me for herself. My mother attempted to resist, but while she and Maleficent argued, I heard the door rattling. "Mother, I found the key!" I heard Virgil cheer. "Very good Virgil, open the door." Maleficent praised. I quickly covered my face as a blinding light flooded the room, protecting my burning eyes.

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