Chapter 7- A wish upon a star may come true

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After Tommy had been safely removed from the facility the others were currently in, the adults put the plan into action.

Niki informed the others that Puffy, Dream and Foolish would be here soon however she asked to take the kids first in hopes it doesn't overwhelm Tommy.

Within the next few minutes and hours everyone that started to turn up all across SMP city chipped in to help put up decorations, cooking, keeping tubbo and ranboo also distracted and the hardest challenge of all, keeping Tommy distracted and from wanting to leave (the adults now take turns in standing outside to make sure no one tries to leave out there. Unlucky for  Tommy, he could only slow fall so he got caught pretty quickly).

After two crucifying hours, the adults decided they were done, allowing the very suspicious children to finally come down, with Tommy in front moaning about being hungry and how he's going to bite Wil.

They finally made it into the main room. Everyone jumped up; lights were turned on; confetti went everywhere; a few people had bruises from accidentally hitting eachother but Tommy paid no attention to all that. Instead he paid attention to everyone that was littered poorly in the main room.

His smile got bigger when he realised that Puffy was there then waved at her. Puffy smiled back, resulting in Dream pushing his way through everyone to hug Tommy.

Dream placed two large objects into the child's hands before stepping back. At that point everyone who had gifts decided to hand theirs over to Tommy ss he sat in the middle of the room.

He beamed once he realised people had gotten him music discs; plushies of cows; a single raccoon plush (which Tommy knew techno got him, as it had a crown poorly glued on top); a colouring book that wilbur thought was funny (it wasn't) and Phil's gift.

Tommy looked up at the small box Phil was giving him. The gremlin carefully opened it as the look on his family's face told him it was delicate.

Once it was fully open, Tommy gasped and pulled the object out. He noticed it was an emerald, the same one Philza wears on his hat and the very same one that wilbur and techno wear as earrings.

Tommy wondered why his didn't have any string or wire attached to it, but Wilbur then walked forwards. He grabbed the emerald and attached it to Tommys red scarf. At that point the young child realised it was a brooch and carefully looked at it, missing the adoration in everyone's eyes.

He then looked at the clock and back to his family. He started to feel tired and went to yawn, before another group of people came crashing through the Crafts front door. Literally. Phil was annoyed, planning on getting the Poker family to prepare his door once everyone calmed down.

Once the shock was over, Tommy laughed seeing that Quackity, Sapnap, Karl and Slime had all turned up. Immediately the child was up on his feet and running towards his cousin like figure and the child babbled to Quackity about all the gifts that he got, earning a adoration look of the three fiance's.

Slime then bounced forwards and handed Tommy the group's gift before flipping back towards his father figures. Quackity set Tommy down and the birthday boy started to unwrap the gift and smiled.

Tommy stood up in joy showing everyone his gift, a handmade 'lifetime' ticket from Las Nevadas. On the back there was a message that wherever Tommy goes with this, he will get in for free, including places outside Las Nevadas.

Tommy literally jumped up to niki exclaiming that he's going to use this to go to her bakery and she now legally can't say no, which provoked laughter from the elders in the room. Phil then cane out with the cake as everyone sang happy birthday, watching Tommy blow out the candle.

Finally Tommy sat down with ranboo and tubbo before playing some board games techno brought for them as the night finally calmed down.

The rain had stopped hours ago but due to the laughter no one heard. Tommy subconsciously made a wish when he looked out to the stars before being pulled back by his friends, not realizing that the biggest gift was yet to come.

That's a weird looking wormTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon