Chapter 1-Tommy

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His patience was running as thin as Wilbur's biceps, as thin as Philza's Cape and as thin as technoblade's ability to not cause chaos wherever he went.

It was incredibly thin.

Phil had asked him to go wake up his, quote-on-quote, "brothers" since someone had to leave and get something sorted within two hours. No idea where though and quite frankly, he couldn't care. Why should he? This was Tommy Innit that phil was talking to, one of the most distracted kids he has.

After what felt like hours(it was only 5 minutes), Tommy decided it was time to wake up Wil but of course it had to be done Tommy style.

Unfortunately for Tommy, Wilbur was already up and had his things packed and ready by the door. Being the annoying brother Tommy could never be, he started poking Wil, which resulted in a slap across the back of the head(no animal abuse was done in the making of this).

Once he had enough of Wilbur(and totally not the other way around) Tommy set off towards Technos room.

Upon opening his dearest idols room, he noticed nothing was packed and Techno was bundled up in blankets. Ah, he's probably ill!

Tommy ran up to techno and noticed the bloodlust look in his eyes. That wasn't going to put him off his newly set mission though.

"Techno! Techno? Hey Techno!? Would you still love me as a worm?" Tommy looked over the top of the bed to get a better look at his brother.

He noticed that techno had started shaking a lot more and decided to go get phil whilst shouting "I'll take that as a yes!" from the door.

Once closed he headed to the kitchen but he heard Wil and Phil talking. Something about adoption? He had no idea what that word meant so he ignored it and barged in, announcing about techno, and headed straight for the cereal.

After all its hard to off put Tommy Innit Craft once he's on a mission.

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