meeting the cullen kids chapter 1. page 5

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WARNING THIS CHAPTER is very short :(
Bella pov.

After I was done being dragged I actually enjoyed talking to Rosalie I don't know if she was putting on a act but she was kind but was more like me and didn't even bother to smile. And before the final bell rang alice invented me to there home and I agreed to it. I walk out the school building with my head up high till. "Hey bells." a kid like voice said to me I turned around to meet black eyes "Jacob hey" I rapped my arms around hid neck while he rapped his around my back.

Once I pulled back from him I askew what he was doing. "Ah. I just wanted to see how my best friend was is that so wrong?" I shook my head "I'm just a little surprised is all"

"Walk with me?" I asked which he expected "so your first day? Met new friends you met any hot babes?" I rolled my eyes and smile pulling myself up on my truck. "Yeah actually" I said looking up at light baby blue sky and watching as the white clouds float away. "What's her name?" He asked I looked at him and like that alice appeared "there she is. You see that black haired girl" i say Jacob looked around and his eyes landed on alice. "A cullen?"

He asked I nodded "Bella you know I don't like them." Befor I had really gotten here I was on the phone with Jacob and he told me about the cold one's and how his father Billy hated them.

I let out a breath "I know but love seems like it has no boundaries" I say laying down on the bed of my truck he did the same. "Okay. I see the. Let's make a deal." We both turned to out sides to face each other. "If you don't get hurt by one of them before you and alice decide that you both like each other then I'll shut up about them being dangerous...but if you do end up getting hurt you have to take me out to dinner. Deal?" He held his hand out. "Deal" we locked hands and shook.

"Now off of my truck" I sat up hopping off to get in the front "I going over the cullens house" I said with a cocky smile he rolled his eyes "Okay but be careful with them." "Will do" I backed out the driveway at the same time the cullens did and I followed behind a huge ass geep and a silver Volvo.

They suddenly stopped and the little pixie got out the car walking back to my truck I reached and opened the door. "What's up pixie" She let out a sigh getting in and closing the door. "I was kicked out the car." She huffed and crossed her arms. I let out a chuckle "what happened?" They started to drive again so I did the same following the small silver car.

She shrugged "I lost a bet." I looked over at the little pixie girl to find two pairs of yellow eye's looking into my own. "What was the bet." I say looking at the road but just in time to see her bit her bottom lip before speaking "it was over some one..."

I let out a grumble. "Who was it" I said getting a little tired of this game I wasn't the patient type of person she let out a sigh "that's sometimes I can't answer for now but just know if I could tell you I would." Her arms were still crossed and she had her bottom lip poking out in a pout. 'Honestly this girl is going to be the death of me if she keeps that pout. I just wanna kiss it away.'

And finally the car was to a stop I realized that we were in the woods. "Why are we in the woods? Your not planning to kidnap me right?" I chuckled at what I said she smiled at me "si we are and soon I'll have you in the dungeon were we keep all of our humans." She giggled a bit. "Oh no~ I'm gonna die in such a horrid way." I put a hand to my head to put as an overreacting play.

She bit her bottom lip and smiled at me. As I got up and unclick my seat belt. I walked to the other side helping her out of the truck.

"Come on Bella let's go meet my parents!" She was jumping up and down. And pulling me inside this big ass house but at this point it should be called a mansion. I mean look at the size of this place.

As soon as we made it inside I was in a bear hug literally. Once the person let me go I noticed it was Emmett "Hey! You must be Bella I can't wait to get to know my little sister!!" Hebwas bouncing in his spot. And I broke character I let smile get to me. "You too Emmett"

I heard a few more footsteps coming in it must be Alice's parents because everyone one of there adopted kids were in the living room. "I just had to come and sew what all the excitement was." A soft voice spoke and hell I recognize it....'carliles huh? Who else in this damn town has the last name of cullen.'

"Long time no see" I locked eyes with before bright yellow ones. "You haven't aged a bit. Weres esme I was looking forward to seeing her again." And to speak of the devil a heart faced woman walked in. A smile tugged on the corner of my lip. Esme ran over and hugged me and kissed the top of my for head "look at how you've grown my child." I chuckled keeping her in the hug.

I could see the kids were confused about how we knew each other and even more so that she called me her child.

Once I finally released her from the hug I walked over to Carliles. He smiled and nodded his head while he gave me a short hug. I walked to the couch and sat next to the lovely pixie lady.

Finally Carlile spoke up. "I see you are all confused. I guess we can't keep this a secret."


I know I know it's short I just didn't want to keep y'all waiting and thank you to the few people who are reading I know I do a lot of short stories and don't finish but I'll try to really do this one!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2022 ⏰

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