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Happy pride month lol I'm just here questioning if I'm asexual or not lol but I'm confident that I'm gay mlm/nblm, non-binary, and poly and celebrate pride I'll give u a little story on my journey of finding myself out <3

When I was 7-9 I was questioning if I liked girls or not but I thought liking the same gender was wrong so I thought I liked boys until I turned 10 then I was sure girls were who I liked then i was questioning my gender I thought I wanted to be a boy but also wanted to be a girl so I was a bigender lesbian but then I thought I liked boys so I was bisexual then I thought boys were ugly so I was lesbian until I turned 11 I started experimenting more so then I was a pansexual trans man all the way up till I turned 12 then it went crashing my sexuality and gender was all over the place I thought I liked all genders thought I just had a just liked men a little more over girls but then I finally found out who I wanna be so I found out I'm a Non-Binary but likes to be called a boy gay mlm/nblm poly man but I'm still questioning if im asexual because I don't mind making sexual jokes or reading sexual stuff its when it comes down to actually doing it it grossest me out but anyways I'm out peace-local non-binary

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