The Feast

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"How long was it gonna take again?" I asked.

"Just a few hours, or maybe days." Shido said looking at his tatered rags. "I might need to change, I don't want you to be arrested for having a slave in a certain county."

"Oh that will be easy, where is the nearest village?" I asked Shido.

"Um, I don't know, it should be a good distance away." Shido said, looking confused.

"Hmm, not a problem." I said, opening up my stats.

"Tohka, what are you thinking?" Shido asked with a concerned tone.

"Just checking how many skill points I have." I said, quickly going through my stats.

"Ummm, what are you trying to get?" Shido asked me.

"Detection." I answered, as I got to Detection skill.

《Would you like to get Detection?》

     《Yes?》                        《No?》

I clicked on the yes and got Detection.

"Ok, time to try it out." I said as I selected to use the skill.

Shido looked at me with a concerned look.

"Don't recommend that." Shido said.

"Why not Skills can't harm-" I began as I used the ability.

Then a sharp pain hit me, everywhere on my body, I fell on my knees and screamed out in pain. Shido all the while sighed and started to heal me, just in case as I quickly turned off

《Heresy Resistance level 1, level 2》The voice said as the pain soon lessened.

I slowly got up and sighed in relief as the pain stopped.

"So, what did I tell you?" Shido asked, looking up at me.

"Ok, sorry, I will take your advice next time." I said with a sigh as I rubbed my head.

I took a deep breath and then stopped, frozen on the spot.

Shido looked at me with a concerned look again.

"Hey, is everything ok?" Shido asked.

"...get behind me, now!" I barked as I stomped the ground and called out a name. "SANDALPHON!"

The ground crumbled beneath my foot, the cracks moved forward for 2 feet before a golden throne emerged from the cracks as a Earth Wyrm burst from the woods. The animal slammed it's lower jaw against the throne and sent itself flying over both Shido and I, getting up with it's jaw hanging, clearly broken. I walked over to the throne and pulled on the handle on top, pulling out a gigantic sword, with it in hand, I instinctively go in a stance.

 I walked over to the throne and pulled on the handle on top, pulling out a gigantic sword, with it in hand, I instinctively go in a stance

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"Shido, stay behind, run if things get bad." I instructed the young boy who quickly got behind me.

I raised my hand and used Appraisal on the wyrm.

So I am Destruction, so you're here to kill me?Where stories live. Discover now