The Grand Escape

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The carriage creaked and buckled as it carried me and Shido. We could not tell where we were though, the cage had been covered in a tarp to hide us for some odd reason.

"It's because slavery had been banned in many districts and lands owned by lords that have had a change of heart, but there are still many that don't have a problem, or don't care." Shido said. "Quite unfortunate, cause I have heard many stories from escaped slaves where I lived before mother became desperate after that earth wyrm attack."

"...I am sorry to hear about that." I said, not knowing any other way to respond.

"Well, how did you end up there where they found you?" Shido asked, quickly changing the subject as to not make me more uncomfortable than I was now.

"Well, I don't know honestly, I just, appeared there and when I appeared there is a huge crater around me along with destruction, I don't know why, it just happened." I answered.

"Wait, I have head of something similar from my mother." Shido said.

"Huh, really?" I asked.

"It happened 3 years before I was born, far away, an explosion destroyed a mountain and opened up an easy entrance to the Great Elroe Labyrinth." Shido explained. "Maybe that was you."

"...I doubt it." I said. "There is no way that I can just, appear and then explode, that would be ridiculous."

Suddenly, the cart stopped, interrupting our conversation. Shido held on to me the way only a child would cling onto their mother. The front of the canvas covering the cage opened up slightly to reveal one of the large men who was transporting us to be sold.

"We are at checkpoint, now stay quiet or you will be carved up." The man threatened as he held up my sword.

Tch, they definitely aren't stupid. I thought as I thought of another way to escape.

Regardless of our want to escape, we stayed quiet as we also wanted to escape alive. We could hear armor of what we assume to be soldiers walk around the cart before we could also hear the jiggling of coins and laughter, before the cart moved again.

"Don't worry, we will get our chance, one day." Shido said, as he noticed the anger in my body.

"Sure, one day." I said.

The ride took a few days and went off without a hitch, me and Shido ended up bonding during the ride.

"My mother was about to have a baby years before she sold me." Shido said.

"Well, what happened?" I asked, bad move.

"Well...she had a miscarriage unfortunately." Shido said before he hung his head. "She ended up taking her anger out on me afterwards, but hey, when things got really scary, I would always go to this teacher, he would always support me and care for me when mother didn't."

"Well, that's a good thing, maybe he will find us." I said.

"Hopefully, well, do you have any good memories Tohka?" Shido asked.

"No I don't actually, I was just born, and then I was chased by this dragon thing and then I encountered and killed a spider, I do have a feeling that I remember something, but I don't know what it is because, I don't remember." I said.

"Well, I guess we can start again, if we escape or end up with same owners, I could try - no, I will make good memories for you." Shido said.

"T-thanks, Shido." I blushed furiously.

Throughout the ride, words like that made me fall in love with the boy more and more as we rode together. There was one time when hooded figures tried to raid the cart, but the 2 slave traders ended up defending these people that could have been our salvation. They fought with savagery and brutality, of experienced soldiers with my sword and a small dagger against the group of figures. I had managed to use my Appraisal to identify the figures, to see what my captors where capable of doing. To my horror they were Elves, level 15 to 16 Elves, there was about 5 Elves that I could make out but they were all easily defeated by the slave traders before they continued the ride to sell us.

"We are going to escape, are we?" Shido asked as he looked at me with despair filled eyes. "Are we?"

I didn't know what to say at that moment.

I was pulled out roughly by my hair in the morning after. I screamed in pain of the action and tried to claw at whoever was grabbing my hair. I never found out as I was thrown inside a small cage that could barely fit me.

"Whoa there, watch our million, any bruises to that skin could decrease her value!" One man scolded another.

"Oh, sorry boss, won't happen again." The other man said as he grabbed Shido and put him in a small cage.

We were both lifted in the air by the men as they took us to a large building. There were people everywhere, all of them wearing masks as they observed us. One man whistled as he saw me along with other men, all the attention made me scared for my life. While the girls in the ground looked at Shido, all of them screaming, and crying to their parents that they wanted him, that made me feel a certain type of way, like hot iron boiling in my stomach....what was iron again?
We were both put on a stage, like animals at an auction, which filled me with more shame than before.

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen to this month's auction, today we have two fine specimens for the both of you, so without out further ado, let's get started!" A man on the stage said as he stood between us.

1000 Alleius




People betted higher and higher for me. In this currency that I didn't understand, it made me, angry, enraged that my life was now reduced to dollars and cents, which I don't know what they are to begin with. Shido looked at me, and held out his hand to hold, I didn't even hesitate to grab it. By the end of it I was sold for 2 million something to an elf, Shido was sold at half the some noble woman. Two men, the ones that had driven us here, grabbed us and were about to separate us...

I suddenly busted the cage open and quickly slid out and used one of the sharp bars to stab and gut the man holding my cage beforehe could react. Everyone present screamed in horror as they watched the display of violence, the second man went to grab me, dropping Shido, but I pulled out my sword from the fallen man and threw it a his throat, piercing it with ease before he fell.

《Level 3 Quasi Spirit now level 20, Spirit evolution unlocked, would you like to evolve to a Spirit?》The voice asked.

Elves ran towards me as the crowd scattered. I forced the door to Shido's cage open before I hugged the scared boy. The Elves closed in quickly, they were just inches from the cage.


《Understood, commencing evolution to Spirit.》

《Commencing Spatial Quake》

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