The Protagonist

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Name: Ed Sakari

Age: 18

Height: 178 cm (About 5'8)

Weight: 76 kg (167 lbs)

Race: Human(?)

Aliases: The Smiling Beast of Kuoh (Self-proclaimed)

Koneko Toujou's Everlasting Rival (Also self-proclaimed)

Weird Cat-Loving Dude (coined by Issei)

The Idiot That Keeps Coming Back

The Smiling Loser

Loudmouth-kun (coined by Koneko)


(Casually dressed)

(When he's being formal or in 'serious mode')

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(When he's being formal or in 'serious mode')

(When he's being formal or in 'serious mode')

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Powers and Skills:

Expert Hand-to-hand Combat: Having little talent in using any form of magic and no Sacred Gear to help him get a leg up, Ed dedicated his time to martial arts and various other forms of close-quarters combat, boistered with arduous, constant training. As such, he has conditioned his body to the absolute peak of physical prowess and even developed his own style ('creatively' titled 'Sakari Style'). Even without ki enhancements, his physical prowess and speed has reached the point beyond what humans are capable of.

Four Keys: Renowned as 'the mortal technique that matched the gods', the Four Keys technique existed in order to remove the four limiters, or 'locks' placed upon the user's soul through different points on the body, as a way for the body to prevent harm from being unable to withstand the overflow of ki. Through training and excellent control of their ki, one can learn to 'use' a Key, manifested from their own life force, to unlock these limiters. With each Key used with its respective 'lock', the user is granted mysterious powers, at the cost of placing increasing strains on their body.

After years of training, Ed has managed to unlock and utilize all four (though not necessarily mastering them):

1. Key of Control: Unlocking the limiter located at the solar plexus, this Key removes bodily inhibitions and granting the user complete control over their body, allowing them to manipulate and change their own body in impossible ways, from controlling blood circulation to reshifting joints and bones on a whim. When using this Key, Ed exudes a blue sweat that evaporates immediately, granting him a flaming light-blue aura.

2. Key of Mind: Unlocking the limiter located at the frontal cortex, this Key enables the consciousness to be separated from the body, enabling each and every part of the body to think and move independently from the mind, thus allowing Ed to autonomously react, adapt to and counter any kind of physical threat with perfect timing, without him even having to think about it. A massive boost in speed and agility is also granted. When using this Key, Ed is enveloped in an aura of magenta.

3. Key of Body: Unlocking the limiter located right under the stomach, this Key is the opposite of the Key of Mind: Here, the user trades speed for absolute, overwhelming power and durability as the body is forcibly empowered with every bit of pain inflicted upon them, increasing muscle mass and pain tolerance. Granting power upon oneself's willingness to indulge in battle and bloodlust, this Key encourages Ed to become much more aggressive as his power increases exponentially the more damage he takes, and the increased durability allows him to survive any but the most lethal of blows. His ki is also enhanced enough to allow Ed to employ ki-energy attacks, either unleashing devastating beams or detonating spheres of ki. Here, he is enveloped in a golden-orange aura akin to a raging inferno.

4. Key of Death: The final, and the most dangerous Key. By manually directing the flow of ki from the already-opened 'locks' towards the heart, this Key, aside from greatly increasing all parameters of the body, effectively combines the powers of the three previous ones and enhance it, thus allowing whoever that can use the Fourth Key to fight with strength thousands of times greater than what they are usually capable of. However, the most lethal aspect of this Key comes in the fact that it will continuously drain away life force and cause the body to heat up from the sheer amount of energy ravaging their system until the user crumbles away into ash. Upon using the Key of Death, the process cannot be undone. A silvery-grey aura with a crystalline glimmer resembling a violent explosion of steam began to emanate the body, engulfing the user's entire being.

Personality: Ed is, for lack of better words, a highly exuberant, excitable and cheerful person that will sport the brightest of grins, even in the face of impending death. His personality is best summarized by his usual pose: A winning smile, a thumbs up directed at whoever he's looking and light reflecting off of his teeth with a ping. Optimistic and committed, he always tries to make the best out of any situation and will never, ever give up once he has set his mind onto something and constantly pushing himself beyond the current limit. The depths of his commitment is matched only by the size of his heart. Despite this, he is still a fighter at heart and wholeheartedly enjoys a good fight, as well as acting calm and mature when the situation requires it. Otherwise, he is practically a spirited kid in a young man's body.

Likes: Animals (especially cats), potted plants, tuna sandwiches, training, fighting strong opponents, dragons, general excitement in life, competing with Koneko on everything, anybody who talks to him for more than five minutes and not look down on him, reading, giving thumbs up, displays of strength

Dislikes: Those he cared about getting hurt, dragging out one's suffering, not being able to improve, people denying his thumbs up

Weakness(es): Because of his forte in hand-to-hand, unless he is using the Key of Body, Ed wholly lacks any kind of long-range attack short of throwing boulders at the enemy, thus putting him at a precarious spot should his foe possess superior range. 

Not only that, but the act of using the Keys can be a double-edged sword: they remove the 'locks' meant to protect the body upon activation, thus exposing it to potentially damaging flows of ki. Overusing the Second Key results in muscle numbness and tearing, while the Third Key can easily prove to be detrimental should Ed let himself take too much damage, and so on.


A/N: Criticisms and reviews are appreciated. More to come, so stay tuned.

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