•𝙏𝙤𝙜𝙚𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 •

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It had been a month since ash had finally asked me to be his girlfriend and I've felt as if i was on top of the world. We had been hanging out as often as possible and making the best of it. I hadn't told my mother yet. Which i was debating whether doing so. But the time would come around eventually.

Now, i was sat on his lap, holding his controller as he taught me to play the game he was playing the first time i stayed over.

"no- babe- Noo its not that button its this one" he says moving my fingers as his hands were over mine as he basically controlled my fingers. I laugh. "i dont get ittt" i say sighing and leaning my head up. He kisses my neck. "come on i know you can do it" he says making me look back at the screen.

He continues to teach me, making me giggle along the way and as usual me admiring my smile.

Eventually i get it somewhat right. "Yes! There you goo! Yes ma go on!" he cheers me on making me laugh and lose composure. He chuckles as i laugh too. He smoothly takes the controller from my hands and places it on his desk, then grabbing my legs and wrapping them around his waist as he pulled me into a warm embrace.

I pull back abit, looking him in the eyes then kissing him. I feel a smile grow on his face, making me pull away. "what?" i say. "nothing" he says with a cheeky smile on his face. "its just your lips are so soft and luscious" he says. I chuckle and kiss him again. He deepens the kiss, using his tongue and moving his hands onto my ass then getting up from the chair and walking over to his bed and slamming me on it gently .

I laugh at the gesture. "whaatttt" he says pulling away. "nothinggg it tickled" i say laughing making him laugh too. He sighs playfully and flops beside me. I look at him.

I admire all his features in the matter of a few seconds. His eyes, his lips, his perfect little button nose, his cheeks ,his expression, just everything. He was just perfect in every way.

He looked at me and seemed to be doing the same back. I roll over onto my side so i face him and he does the same. "how did i get so lucky?" he says softly, moving a piece of my hair out of my face and tucking it behind my ear.

I chuckle. "i wouldn't concider it luck... i'd consider it fait" i say with a smile. "Me too.." he says , staring into my eyes.

"thank you.." i said after what felt like a decade of silence. His eyebrows slightly furrow. "for what?" he asks.

"everything." i say with a smile. "for the shit with my mom and my dad, for being there when i needed you... just- thank you" i say being genuine. He gives me a soft smile before saying "i should be the one thanking you... you saved me sienna.." he says. "what?" i say confused.

"you saved me... i always thought i was a heartless prick who could never feel anything towards anyone else apart from fez.. you made me see the world differently, see it through your eyes, see the good shit in it, that saved me and helped me" he said making me slightly tear up. I give him a small peck on the lips.

"we both saved eachother ash... as long as we both have eachother- i dont think there's anything or anyone that can stop us from doing what we want" i say, wrapping my arms around him and digging my head into his chest. He wraps his arms around me and giving me a peck on the head. "Now thats the most truest thing ive ever heard in my life" he says making me chuckle. Then i close my eyes and take in his presence, his smell, his touch. Everything about him.

I woke up to a blanket over the top of me and ash's pillow under my head, which by the way he was really weird about, he loved his pillow and didnt let anyone touch it, but by the looks of it apart from me. I sit up and dont see him in the room. I decide to throw on one of his hoodies and look for him, but before i did i checked the time seeing it was around dinner time.

I walk out of ash's room and make my way down the hallway. As i get closer to the living area, i hear voices. Ash and Lexi to be exact. Im pretty sure Fez and Lexi were a thing but i ignored it for the time being.

"have you thought about telling her?" i gear lexi say. I decide to ease drop. "no.. not really- i nearly did earlier, on accident but changed my wordings to make it not- so obvious?" ash said as he took a drag from the blunt he had. "i personally think you should tell her" lexi says. "i don't know... what if-" he starts to say. Lexi cuts him off though. "dont even- by what you told me happened earlier, im pretty sure she does" she says.

"ye but i tell her shes the most beautiful girl in the world every time i get the chance, i-" he says then looking at lexi who had a growing smile. "oh shit- i-.." he starts to say, realising something hut i couldn't really make it out.

"ease dropping isnt very nice sienna, especially when its about you" a whisper said from behind me. I snapped back to see fez. I chuckled. "ye- but im nosey like that" i whisper back. He chuckles quietly. I give him a smile, about to walk away before he then says something. "thanks by the way kid". I turn to him, confused. "for what?" i ask.

"for making ash happy, ive never seen the kid so upbeat and happy with life like he is now, since he's met you, hes not been the same, in the best way.... you complete him" he says making me smile. "really?.." i question with a smile. "a hundred percent" he says. I smile and then without taking another second to think, pull fez into a hug. He hesitates at first but then hugs back. "love ya fez" i say as my face rests in the side of his arm. "love you too kid" he says resting his head ontop of mine.

I pull away then saying with a smirk "so, whats going on with you and lexi" . He chuckles. "thats for me to know and for you to find out" he says then walking off. I laugh then following behind him, into the living room where lexi and ash were. I never got to finish listening to their conversation. "heyy" i say ad i walk over to ash and lexi gets up to go help fez. "sup ma" he says as i sit on his lap.

"you sleep well?" he asks me. "would've slept better if you were actually sleeping with me" i say. He chuckles. "sorry bout that ma" he says taking a puff from his blunt. "its fine, but next nap time, i want you participation" i say pointing a finger my index finger at him. He chuckles and blows out his smoke but facing it away from me. "deal" he says after blowing it away. "yo fez finish this for me" ash says handing him the blunt. Fez takes it off of him.

As ash did all that i just admired him, and took in everything he just did, especially the fact he blew the smoke away from me. He looks back and sees me admiring him. "what?" he asks. "nothing" i say with a smile. He kisses me and i kiss back of course. We then pull away and get comfy as we waited for dinner. We watched a little bit of TV until fez called us for dinner.

It was spaghetti bologna's. We all instantly drug in and spoke about the year, as usual. Once we finished me and ash thanked them for our meal and went back to his room.

I flopped on his bed and looked at him. "what?" he asked as he took his shirt off to get ready for bed or movie night. "nothingggg" i say. Eventually he gets in bed and i snuggle up to him, listening to his heartbeat aswell as the movie. Before i knew it i was asleep again..

A/N: sorry this one is abit short but i hope you enjoy, ive been quite busyc, im really sorry but thank you for 15K views, thats crazy thank you!! Im trying to be consistent with updating but ye thank you and i hope you enjoy! Sorry if theres any spelling errors. Please leave a vote or a comment if possible ❤️

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