Held Anger.

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I remember it was later in the day,and I believe I was out with my father and my younger brother.

It was windy and it was kicking up my fathers scarf,it being a nice scarlett red in comparison to the pale blue sweater he was wearing.

My little brother Fresh was only 4 at the time,and was asleep in my fathers arms as we headed back to our small neighbourhood,as we had been out in the park all day;dad wanted to get us home before it got too late,as most humans in our neighbourhood didn't take kindly to monsters out so late,

Our neighbourhood wasn't all too safe anyways,as it was a bit rundown;most monster neighbourhoods were like this in this area.

We got home after 45 minutes,being as the park was on the other side of town and my younger brother didn't want to cooperate at all on the way back,so we had to stop and dad had to pick him up,

Once we arrived home,dad went and put Fresh into bed making sure to tuck him in before ushering me to bed,tucking me in and kissing my forehead before turning and going back to the living room where he slept.

It was always hard for me to fall asleep,taking me up to 2 hours to fall asleep without any help,so it didn't surprise me when I didn't fall asleep right away.

I was trying to sleep when I heard a loud crash ring out from the living room followed by yelling and then pleading,waking me up more than how I was;I moved to sit up,get out of bed and walk to my door to possibly see what was happening in the living room.

What I did not expect to see was a human in our house,slimmer in stature and arguing with my father in our living room;a large,threateningly sharp axe in hand.

I watched in fear as my father pleaded with the human,said pleads seeming to fall on deaf ears as the human raised their axe,a large sickening crack ringing out along with a scream that was cut short by the axe plunging right into my fathers skull,

I then watched as my father collapsed and the human raided him of any belongings on his person before turning tail and fleeing the house,leaving my father to just lay there.

I waited until the human was definitely gone before exiting my room and rushing over to my father,kneeling down next to him and shaking him to see if there was any way that he could have still been alive,but alas he dusted right under my hands.

I sat there for a bit before getting back up,taking my dad's scarf and going and checking on my brother;luckily he was still safe and asleep in bed,the human seemed to not realise that our father had kids.

I fixed the scarf around my neck,making sure it was secure since this was the only possession of my father that we have.

This anger will not subside,until I make you feel what I felt.

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