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You had just woken up sometime later in the day,for it didn't seem like it was the morning;for the sky was turning to an uneasy black,signifying a large storm was coming,

Although this didn't really tell you what time it was,you just assumed it was later for storms like this don't happen so early.

You had been nestled up with your brother under the mother tree,as you looked to you brother you notice that he was awake;and it seemed he was awake for a long while,as even though you couldn't see it very well through the hand that was picking at his eyeline,you did notice the dark rings under his eyes,

You pushed yourself up and away from your brother,moving to sit up and stretch,which did make your brother glance over at you.

Even though you two exchanged no words during this action,you still flashed your brother a smile as he rose up from his spot,clear agitation in his form,

You were not quite sure as to why he seemed so upset,so you got up and tried to talk to your elder brother;the conversation never really started as he only gave you short,one word answers.

You let out a sigh as you both sat back down,glancing up to watch the clouds bunch up and seem oh so threatening,unease setting into your body;you don't know why,but a poor gut feeling was slowly filling you.

After a few more moments,you both heard the sound of mixed footsteps walking up to the tree signifying some villagers coming to visit,'my friends!' you told yourself as you rose back up from your spot,

Nearly missing the scowl that appeared on your brother's face.

As the villagers move around the tree to greet you and your brother,you help your brother up from his spot,smiling once you see your 'friends',

A short conversation was waged before your brother's agitation got the better of him,forcing an argument between you and him as to why you are not allowed to go out with your friends at the moment;the argument ending once he put your hands on you,roughly shoving you back into the group of people standing amongst you,

A small bunny monster having caught you once you were shoved asking if you were alright.

You all shared some glances back to the once positive twin,before you stood back upright and lead your friends back to town,occasionally glancing back to your brother as you did so;you did understand why he shoved you,he was upset and none of you were making the situation any better than what it was,

You and your group of friends spent hours together,even past when the storm started,laughing with each other everytime one of you was startled by the loud roaring thunder.

You were all cold by the time you started feeling lonely;dream and i would usually be bundled up together under mom during storms like this,you told yourself,realizing you wanted to go head back to your brother,

You let your group know that you were done playing for the day,waving them off as you headed back to the tree that you've come to happily affiliate with your mother.

You stopped once you noticed a crowd that had formed around the tree,shaking your head and heading back towards your mother,having to push through a thick crowd;being bumped and shoved during the entire process.

Once you reached the front you glanced forward and freezed,your heart dropping;the tree was on fire as half eaten apple lay dormant on the floor,your brother wailing and screaming in agony right in front of you and the entire village,

You tried to call out for your brother,but no matter how hard you called,no noise would ever leave your throat.

You watched in pure fear as your brother rose up from his spot,large sunlike wings now present on his back,as he turned to look at the crowd;eyes falling on you.

You notice his mouth open to say something,but it was completely drowned out by the crowd starting to scream,you being far too terrified to move an inch from that spot.

It started off warm,then it got hotter and hotter until it started to burn,smoke and embers burning at your face the longer you two held your eyes on each other;you started to glance around;noticing that the village and the area surrounding you where now completely on fire...and no matter how hard the rain fell,it would not put out the fire.

You heard something intelligible leave your brother before you started feeling cold again,before you could not move any longer,

You watched in misery as your brother approached you and knelt down,as you didn't realize that you had fallen down to your knees in pure disbelief.

You watched as he wrapped his arms under yours,pulling you into a hug.

"Big brother will protect you,"he said,as warmth filled your senses,"i promise."

Key Memories.(CRMV short stories.) [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now