Chapter 1-save me

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A/N this story is just about Charlie being a little amd Nick being a CG because that's a headcannon I think would happen. Also it will be going to different pov's. Tw:Sexual assault, Sh mention
Charlie's POV 

I hate school. I hate it. Ben is there and he is icky. He treated me horrible and is a really big trigger. I wish I could get him in trouble but there is no proof. Not until today.

I was walking to class. Usually Nick walks me but today he already went to his classroom because he had to revise for a test. I then saw Ben Hope walking towards me. He shoved me against the locker. "You know you still like me" Ben said as he pinned me against the locker still.

"Leave me alone Ben I'm over you and you can't change my mind you creep." I say. I try to sound tough but my voice comes out all shaky and scared.

"Oh so I can tell your scared of me. Good you should be." He says and that's when he makes a move. He touches me places i don't wanna be touched and tries to kiss me. I feel disgusted. I start to cry and try to yell for help but I can't he doesn't let me. This goes on for maybe five minutes but feels like hours. I'm just left alone..being confused on what just happened because I have no idea.

I walk into class quietly and apologize for being late then sit down. I'm not paying attention though. All I can think about is what happened and how discusting my body is. How he touched me like that and how I look and how I'm ugly and I hate myself.

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