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It was nearing dusk. The sky was melting into orange and blue. You could see the stone forest in the distance—Jueyun Karst, territory of the adepti.

The trees you passed were decorated with bright clementine leaves and similarly colored lanterns hanging off, lit up for the approaching night. You passed by odd structures, rocks stacked in a triangle pattern, frog statues shortly off the path.

"Is that the home of one of the adepti?" Paimon asked, pointing in the distance. You squinted your eyes and saw a shrine perched on a hill. In front of it was a circle etched into the ground with pavement. Ropes with sigils connected the trees.

"Maybe not a home," you said. "Seems like an entrance instead."

"Let's go check it out." Paimon floated past you and Aether, stopping at one of the lanterns that lined the circle in the grass.

You stepped into the circle, Aether looked around. Then, startling all three of you, a voice boomed, "And who might we be? Those that dare enter Jueyun Karst?" Moon Carver stood in front of the shrine Paimon pointed at earlier.

Without a hint of hesitation, Aether stepped forward, taking out the sigil Childe gave to him back at Northland Bank. The sigil was meant to protect them from the adepti. "I was sent here," he said, holding out the sigil for Moon Carver to inspect.

His head peered down at the item. "A Sigil of Permission," he observed. "Many a season has passed since one was last in the presence of such an item." Nodding, he stepped back, seemingly approving of the sigil Aether carried. "He before you is the might and illuminated adeptus, Moon Carver. Speak, travelers. What business do you have here?"

"Actually—" Paimon began, but footsteps distracted her. She looked back, along with you and Aether, eyes widening at the sudden appearance of a group of Millelith guards.

"It's the assassin!" the sergeant in front accused. "They dared to flee here to Jueyun Karst!"

"...Disturbing our borders," Moon Carver mumbled. "See them gone. One will not have interruption."

At his command, Aether pulled out his sword, while you and Paimon remained on the steps just above the charging Millelith guards. He didn't hesitate once while taking out the guards, slicing them with his weapon. When he used wind blade, you caught Moon Carver's expression twitch. He probably didn't expect Aether to be able to harness elemental energy without a vision at his hip.

Aether managed to knock all the guards to the guard. The sergeant called for a retreat when it seemed like Aether would persist even if the guards got back up. He returned in front of Moon Carver, fatigue manifesting itself in short breaths.

"We've digressed. State your purpose, travelers," Moon Carver ordered.

"Rex Lapis has been assassinated," Aether said.

"At the Rite of Descension!" Paimon continued for him. "He fell from the sky and Lady Ningguang pronounced him dead, calling for the Millelith to apprehend all suspects. We ran away from the terrace, but Paimon is starting to think that wasn't such a good idea after all those Millelith soldiers appeared to arrest us, even daring to enter Jueyun Karst just to do so."

"We couldn't let ourselves be captured." Aether defended his choice, giving Paimon a side glare that caused her to shut her mouth.

"Preposterous..." Moon Carver muttered, taking in the information. "Preposterous!" he suddenly boomed. "The Liyue Qixing...how utterly disappointing. How could someone possibly assassinate Rex Lapis during the Rite of Descension? And then place suspicion upon the attendees?!" Moon Carver paused, taking in a breath to calm his frustration. "Travelers, of the unjust accusations placed upon you, one has become aware. The mind knows its answer. Though one must consult with one's fellows, lest the mind be misguided. Go. Take your Sigil of Permission, carry with you a message."

ON THE OTHER SIDE | AETHERМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя