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You, Aether, and Paimon returned to Liyue Harbor. Paimon was concerned, thinking that you'd all be arrested the moment you stepped back in, but to her surprise, the Millelith guards didn't even acknowledge your arrival. Since the guards were no longer chasing any of you down, you weren't required to devise a plan to sneak back in, making the walk to Northland Bank, fortunately, an effortless one. The task of getting the Vigilant Yaksha to hear Aether out was exhausting and you didn't want to go through that again just to relay information to a Fatui Harbinger undeserving of the trust given by Aether and Paimon.

As the Northland Bank appeared in view, you spotted the man of the hour, Childe. He was talking to Ekaterina, the "receptionist" at the bank. You tried not to frown. You didn't want Childe to catch onto the fact that you knew more than an amnesiac should know about the true purpose of the Northland Bank's presence in Liyue Harbor. Still, you were conflicted. You knew Aether better due to your recent interactions with him and because of that, you felt for him more. What was once simple frustration at the tricks of the Fatui was now bubbling anger.

The Harbinger's senses were sharp. He turned before you even made the final step up the stairs. "You've finally returned," he smiled. His stare was sharp too. Unrelenting, even as he extended a friendly grin. "How was your journey to Jueyun Karst?"

Paimon floated forward. "The adepti didn't take the news too well..." she sulked. "But they've at least been made aware and are currently discussing what to do about it!" She perked up and placed her hands on her hips.

"I see," Childe pondered. "So who of the infamous adepti did you meet?"

"Uh," Paimon thought. "Moon Carver, Mountain Shaper, Cloud Retainer, Conqueror of Demons..." she trailed off, glancing at you and Aether. "Did I get them all?" You nodded in coincidence with Aether.

"Interesting, very interesting," Childe muttered. "Some of these names have never come in the intel the Fatui gets hold of. I guess, in exchange for this information, I shall pass on some news I heard while you were gone. The Liyue Qixing's response regarding the archon's passing really has given me food for thought," he scoffed, implying distrust of the Qixing's report. Your first clenched slightly. You reminded yourself that you needed to hold back. But there was a devil on your shoulder, and it was getting close to convincing you to tell the Harbinger to shove it. "They've announced that, as the true killer has not yet been found, they are not allowing anyone to pay their respects to the Exuvia."

"Exuvia?" Paimon inquired.

"The Exuvia is another name for the Geo Archon. It's the title that recognizes Rex Lapis as an adeptus as well as an archon," Childe explained. "The Liyue Qixing's refusal of access to the Exuvia is truly suspicious. The Geo Archon's spirit has risen, so why would the Qixing hide his vessel?"

"Maybe they're not trying to hide it," you spoke up, "Maybe they're trying to draw out the killer." You couldn't mask your frustration any longer. With your hindsight, Childe's attempts to drive a wedge between the Qixing and the adepti were so obvious it made you seethe. You swallowed your nerves and looked Childe in his eyes. "Or someone with ulterior motives regarding the Exuvia."

A chill ran through your body as Childe's expression hardened. There was an unnerving curiosity forming on his face as he acknowledged your presence for the first time. You poked the bear and now you suffered under the weight of his heavy stare. "And who might you be?" was all he had to say.

Liyue Harbor continued moving, but the air around Northland Bank went still. The eyes of Childe, Aether, and Paimon were all on you. You held your breath, careful not to make any sudden movements. Childe was a predator, and you became his prey by speaking up, but you would not allow him to take advantage of Aether, even if it meant disrupting the canon. You feared the consequences of this action, yet the adrenaline pumping through your body would not allow you to stop. "Traveling partner," you replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2023 ⏰

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