Fairy Godmother

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"Come on." Mal says as the group runs towards the entrance, "Check your mirror."

"Is my mascara smudged?" Evie asked as she got her mirror out.

"Yeah," Mal leads everyone down steps, "And hey, while you're at it, why don't you see if you can find us the wand?" Mal turns to Evie.

"Sure, this way." Evie runs off, the rest follow.

The group end up in front of large doors, the security guard spinning on his chair begins to face the door as everyone rushes behind a wall.

"That's your mother's spinning wheel?" Jay mocks Maleficent's magic wheel after they come back from behind the wall. Him and Carlos laugh.

"Yeah, it's kind of dorky," Carlos joins in, looking at Mal.

"It's magic. It doesn't have to look scary." Y/n defends, Mal opens her spell book.

"Magic spindle do not linger. Make my victim prick a finger." Mal reads out one of the spells, the security guard only looks at the wheel.

"Impressive." Jay holds in a laugh.

"I got chills." Carlos mocks again before laughing with Jay.

"Okay, you know what," Mal turns to face the door again, "Prick the finger, prick it deep. Send my enemy off to sleep" Mal reads another spell, Evie looking over her shoulder watching.

The guard gets up and starts walking towards the door before turning towards the wheel, pricking his finger and yawning before falling asleep.

Mal smirks, "Not so dorky now, huh?" She tries to open the doors but they're locked shut.

Jay moves back, "Stand back."

Mal turns back to her spell book, "Make it easy, make it quick, open up without a kick."

"Ahhh" Jay grunts flying through the air as the doors magically open.

The girls laugh, walking in, Y/n walking alongside Mal, holding her hand. Mal playfully kicks him, "Coming?"

Evie walks past, playing with his hat on the way, before Carlos tries to help him up. "Come on, Jay."

"I'm good." Jay pushes Carlos off.

"Just trying to help." Carlos sighs, following along.

As the VKs walk past the sleeping guard Mal turns around, "Shh!" Everyone looks around at all the artefacts.

The guard moves his leg slightly, causing Carlos to freeze. Evie calls out to him again, "Carlos!"

"Coming" Carlos runs to catch up.

"So close," Evie sighs as they run through the museum, "Upstairs".

Evie runs up the stairs, Mal stays by the bottom, making sure everyone hurries up there. "Come on. Go, go, go, go. Up, up, up ,up, up."

No one seemed to notice the sign that tells them their heading to the Gallery of Villains.

"Come on, guys. Almost there." Evie carries on leading everyone up the stairs.

Everyone turns the corner to see statues of their parents, all doing something that correlates with their story. The Vks walk closer, everyone taking in their own parent's evil appearance.

"Mummy?" Evie whispers, questioning at the statue, like it could never be her mum. Of course this is understandable, they've never seen their parents being evil.

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