9. Shot in the Dark

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The carseat rumbled gently beneath you, cold leather biting into your thighs. Gingerly, you ran your good hand down your thigh roughly. Hoseok sent you a sideways glance, one groomed eyebrow rising.

"Cold?" He asked, leaning to flick on the heater.

"Thank you," you sighed, sinking back as the warm air flooded the car. "Are you going to tell me where you're taking me, yet?"

Early that morning, Hoseok had bounded into your room and flung open the curtains, smile bright and mood even brighter. Throwing a women's hoodie and pair of jeans at your grumbling form, he sprang back out of the room, instructing you to be ready in 5 minutes. You got ready on autopilot, dressing and washing up through a sleepy haze.

When you had met him again, in the mud room, a brand new pair of sneakers lay among the random pairs of shoes strewn along the floor. They were much smaller than the others.

"Like them?" Hoseok had grinned. "Jin hyung got them for you." It was only then that you stared down at yourself. The clothes he had thrown at you earlier fit. Perfectly. You couldn't bring yourself to be creeped out at how exactly the generous man had known your size, too touched by the small act of mercy. And then, new shoes tied snugly around your feet, Hoseok had dragged you out the door and into the SUV parked in the garage. 

He never had time to answer your question. As you pulled up beside a large, green warehouse, he clicked off the ignition and hopped out of the car.

This is creepy, you thought, following his actions. The landscape around you was clear of people, but a few cars had been parked haphazardly along the front of the building. Great. The perfect place to murder someone

"No need to look so frightened, Y/n," Hoseok laughed, hand sliding into yours and pulling you toward a darkly shaded doorway. "This is going to be fun." 

Dear God, you sent up a silent prayer. Please, please don't let me die today.


"WOO!" Hoseok cheered, bounding around you as you landed your first shot of the day on the target a few metres ahead. You turned to him, eyebrow raised.

"It..it missed the outline." 

It was true - your pitiful attempt at a headshot somehow landed in the far right bottom corner of the metal sheet; miserably far from the thinly-lined human outline you had been aiming for. Sending Hoseok a disappointed glance, you lowered the gun.

"It was your first try," he said, voice echoing in the nearly empty gun range. Upon entering the building, Hoseok had nodded meaningfully at the bearded man behind the front desk. The man had then pulled a walkie talkie out from underneath the desk and murmured something quietly into it. You and Hoseok stood in a shadowy corner as the members practicing at the gun range cleared out. 

"Here, let me show you."

He plucked the heavy handgun smoothly from your hand, and you sauntered to the side to make room for him. His face shifted; a cool mask of indifference shuttering off his features. It might have been unsettling, if not for the way the stark lighting in the range complemented the sudden change; like moonlight caressing his skin. His long fingers curled gently around the body of the gun, strong and self-assured. His dancer's form stood poised, ready for whatever was to come next. He looked stunning. A greek god on the battlefield.

The reverberating crack of his first shot pulled you from your thoughts, and you turned just in time to see the bullet make its' mark - front and centre of the target outline's forehead. More cracks followed, each consecutive shot following suit through the very same hole. 

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