7. Yes, Officer

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The sun streamed through the window, casting the room in a serene glow. Another morning in this house. At least there was nobody sat beside your bed today, watching you sleep. 

Sighing, you rolled over, prepared to try to go back to sleep.

Brown crescent eyes stared back at you.

"Morning, love." He rasped.

"ARGH!" Reacting on impulse, your feet shot out before you could stop them, throwing Jimin straight out of the bed, and straight onto his (ample) butt. 

"Hey! What the heck!?" He clamoured, staring up at you from the floor.

"What - ha! What do you mean 'what the heck'? What are you doing in my bed?"  You cawed back incredulously. This guy somehow snuck his way in here, laid down next to you, and now he has the audacity to ask what's going on? 

Standing and rubbing his behind, Jimin sniggered down at you. "Jeez, Y/n, I was just coming to wake you up. No need to go full psycho on me." He plonked straight back down on the bed, sending your body mid-air for a moment and knocking the air out of your chest. "Anyway. Now you're awake," he laid the length of his body out straight, tucking his hands behind his head. "I also wanted to tell you how we're going to do things until everything is ready. Because we can't really leave you alone," he continued, sending you an apologetic glance, "Namjoon hyung wants one of us to stay with you at all times. And today, I was free." Beaming, he waited for your response.

"Is.. is Namjoon in charge of you, then?" You asked, setting up a pillow behind your back to lean against as you tried to ignore your racing heartbeat. Jimin gave you a hand, holding it in place as you leant against it. 

"Mm." he murmured. "Yeah, he's in charge. But everything we do is a group effort, really. Even though we have our own areas of expertise."

"What do the rest of you do?" 

"Hobi hyung and Jungkook are our weapons masters. Although, Hobi is more involved in training and Jungkook in getting new shipments and looking after the weapons themselves." As he leant back again, his shirt slid up, revealing a slither of golden skin adorned with onyx, sharp ink. 



Seeing where your gaze went, he smirked, tilting his head to look at you more clearly. "Y/n, y/n, y/n," he tutted, shaking his head slowly. "Didn't anyone ever tell you it's rude to stare? Are you even listening to me?" 

Like a deer caught in headlights, you tore your eyes away from the delicious patch of skin, clearing your throat loudly. "No. I'm listening. I'm listening." Jimin's eyes shrank as his mouth split in a breathtaking grin. His two front teeth were slightly crooked, as if to remind you he was human and not a living, breathing god.

Oh dear. This is a dangerous, dangerous man.

"Then there's Yoongi; he's in charge of intelligence. The guy is a whiz with technology. Taehyung is sort of a chemistry genius. A total nerd," he laughed. "So he takes any drugs we discover on raids and chemically analyses them with his team. We keep all the information in a database, but destroy the drugs safely afterwards. It helps us keep track of new drugs on the market, without ending up stuck with a huge stash ourselves." You nodded, amazed at the fluidity and refinement of their system. "Jin is Namjoon's right hand. The two of them just.. understand each other, so their strategies are flawless when we're planning missions. Ying and yang, you know?"

"And you? How about you?" Jimin's answering smirk made something curl low and warm in your stomach. And you had the sense that you just made a big, big mistake. He leant closer, breath tickling your face.

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