Chapter 3

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We swim in and I can see each of them exchanging glances. 'Bloody pack mind link shit. Now I can't listen to what they are saying.' A flit of surprise passes by all of their faces at the same time and I can guess that their alpha just told them I am his mate.

"So where are you from, Katya?" Jane makes conversation with me, i'm not too sure, but i have a feeling it's because we're currently sitting in a rather awkward silence.

"You probably don't know the place, it's a rather small country."

"Take a shot." Jane encourages.

"New Zealand. Do you know it?" I lie. Ain't no way in hell i'm telling them i used to live only an 8 hour drive from here. Who knows what a curious werewolf would do and what they would find out.

"Ahh, I'm sorry, i don't."

"Are you living here permanently or just visiting?" Owen asks.

I can see Quin-he introduced himself along with everyone else earlier- straighten up a little from the corner of my eye. "I plan to stay for a while, not too sure how long though."

"You look about our age, are you transferring to our school?" Quin interrupts.

"Crestfall high?"

"Well that's the only high school around here." He laughs.

"Oh, haha, yeah. I'm starting tomorrow."

"If you don't have anyone to hang out with, you're welcome to join us." He offers.

"That's really kind of you, thanks. But one of my friends actually goes to that school. Tanya Heights, you know her?"

I see them all slightly frown at the same time and can guess why.

"Tanya? You realise she is a bit..." Lein drawls.

"Of a slut?" Quin finishes.

Any slightly good feelings i had about them despite their stench just disappears. I stand and pat the sand off of myself, "well it was nice meeting you guys. And I would prefer it if you didn't call one of my best friends a slut." I start stalking off back home when Jane catches up to me.

"I'm sorry, they didn't mean it. It's just that she has a bit of a reputation in school. Hell, the whole town actually." She tries to say in a lighter tone.

"I know exactly how she is, thanks. I don't need people I've just met telling me how she is."

"Again, sorry, really. But it's getting late, do you want us to drive you home?"

"I'm fine. I don't live too far from here." I reject. I don't want to make it too obvious, but the wet dog smell is really starting to hurt my nose, and I needed an excuse to get away.

"Do you want us to walk you? It's quite dangerous, these forests. There have been sightings of unusually large wolves for years now."

'Really? And I wonder just who that was.' "It's okay, really."

Seeing my constant rejections, she seems to get the idea, or someone else does and mind links her. "Okay, well, i'll see you at school." She waves goodbye then jogs back.

When I get home I scrub myself until my skin turns red and I no longer have even the tiniest wolf scent on me. Dressing in Emery's favourite shirt I snagged because it's also my favourite, I get a good night's rest.

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