Chapter 6

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As I take a seat behind the blank canvas the teacher pointed me to, she explains what to do.

"The class has just started to paint so it shouldn't take you too long to catch up. The theme is something from your soul. It can be anything, people you love, favourite hobby, yourself, so feel free to express yourself. You're welcome to use whichever paints you want." I nod and she leaves with a satisfied smile.

I plug in my earphones and take the water paints. I start with lighter blues on the top half and light greens on the lower half. By the time I finish the very basics the bell rings.

"How were the classes?" Tanya asks, snatching some of my food.


"Why did you even choose to enroll in school? This is like the sixth time you've gone to school?"

I stab my salad, "because my identity at the moment is that of a 17 year old who has only a pair of adoptive grandparents to rely on."

Tanya nods in understanding, "that reminds me of my parents. Wonder how they're doing." She mumbles.

"How are you and William, anyway?" I change the topic.

A sneer appears on her face, "that bastard just doesn't learn. He keeps getting toyed with by all these girls and believes they truly love him. I just don't get it! He should have learnt his lesson by now, but no! I bet he's gonna come crying to his big sister within the next year." She rants.

"Don't go too hard on him, he's only 70 years old and your kind matures slower, so it's not that unusual. Weren't you the same?"

Tanya stops and glares at me with a look that could kill, "don't you dare bring up my dark history, Katya. I know every bit of your dark history as well, don't ever forget that." I raise my hands, surrendering.

The day passes fairly quickly afterwards, every time I see Quin either in the halls or outside, he always has that red haired bimbo hanging onto him. Honestly, i'm bloody jealous and kind of want to kill her but i know that it's just the mate link controlling my feelings. I think he catches the quick jealous glances because he smirks whenever he makes eye contact with me or tightens his arm around her waist.

'Does he get a kick out of knowing that his mate- possibly the only one he's gonna get- is watching him whenever he's with other girls?'

I constantly try to ignore his presence, but it's hard when it feels as if his scent is seducing me.

It also seems that me thinking that people would be dressed in random shorts and shirts just because this is a school in a small, almost unknown town, was completely wrong. Some people are dressed like they're going for a modelling audition or something. So it seems like I have to vamp up my clothing choice a little.

"Hun, I've decided I'm going to be staying with you, okay?" Tanya announces.

"And you didn't think it would be better if maybe you asked first?"

"Why would I? Best Friends are supposed to be able to pop over whenever and be welcomed with hugs and kisses. That's why they are 'bestfriends' and not 'friends.'"

"You can't sorry, there is only the one room." I reject. I just moved here, i need some peace and quiet to myself for a while.

"Emery said I can stay, so you don't wallow in sadness and regret."

I bring my hands up in defeat, "whatever then. Where's your car?"

She snatches my keys from my hand, "don't have one at the moment. So I'll drive yours."

"You don't even know where my house is."

"Sure I do, your memories just told me."

I hit the back of her head lightly, "Tanya, you know i don't like you doing that." I sigh.

"Don't worry. I know how to respect some people's privacy." She responds.

"Sure you do, that's why you go through my memories to find things out cause I don't want to tell you."

"Don't worry, hun. You know I respect your personal memories."

"I know. I just need some rest away from my stressful new fuckboy mate." I sigh.

Tanya pauses in her steps, "wait. Waiiitttttt. Quin!? He's your mate!?" She screams.

I clamp my hand over her mouth and pray to god no supernatural around heard that. I glare at her, conversing with my eyes.

'Did you have to say that so loud!?'

Her eyes crinkle and she raises her hands in defeat, 'sorry. My bad.'

"Your fucken bad alright. Hurry up so we can pick up your stuff then go home." I walk off and make myself comfortable in the passenger seat.

She starts driving and puts on some music. I don't even realise when, but I fall asleep during the drive and only wake up when we arrive back at my house.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2022 ⏰

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