Chapter 2

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"Woah, is that someone floating in the ocean?"

On a beach further down, a group of five, consisting of three males and two females are spending their time down at the beach when one of the males asks a question aloud.

"Is she alive?" The brunette lady, Jane asks.

"Yeah, I can hear her breaths." The other blonde lady, Lain, answers.

"Is she sleeping while floating? What if she drowned?" The man who first spotted her asks.

"If you're so worried Nate, why don't you go swim out to her and see if she's okay?" Owen replies.

"Nah, I have an easily jealous mate."

"Are you saying that while I'm right here Nate?" Jane glares at her mate with annoyance, but can't deny what he said.

"I guess he is." Lain sarcastically voices.

"Oh shut it Lain. As if you're any better. And we both know that if we ever swam out to a guy wearing nothing but swim shorts, our mates would want us to have nothing to do with him."

Lain nods in agreement. Everyone then turns to their Alpha who's sitting quietly staring at the floating body in the water. "I'll go see." Without further ado, he strides towards the water.

"Oohhh~ He's found a new toy I see." Owen sings.

"I'm not too sure. Call it a woman's instinct, but she feels powerful. And very dangerous." Lain warns. "I can feel it too." Jane murmurs.

Owen and Nate exchange a glance then shrug without a care.

As Quin swims closer, the pull he felt when he first saw her starts to grow stronger. When he reaches her side, her eyes fly open and make direct eye contact with him.

Quin: 'My mate. I've found my mate.'

Katya: 'For fucks sake Selene. Another mate already?'

They both have completely different thoughts, but one thing is for sure. They both know they are mates.

Katya POV:

'Oh my bloody lord. An alpha mate, how fucken wonderful.' I sarcastically think. His warm brown eyes stare into my own pale blue/green ones. I inhale and almost crinkle my nose at the stench. With a strong smell of the salty beach, I can smell his own unique honey with a hint of mint scent, along with the smell of many different females.

'He's a fuck boy. Well isn't that just a cherry on top of the bloody whipped cream.'

"Can I help you?" I ask kindly, as if I wasn't the one cursing inside my head.

He snaps out of his trance and I see a familiar interest and playfulness glint in his eyes. "I saw you floating out quite far and was worried. Why don't you come join me and my friends? We're just chilling out on the beach."

I glance over his shoulder and find four other people waving at me. I almost sigh in frustration at the wet dog stench they give off. "Umm... Is that okay?" I ask with a hint of nervousness. 'Act nervous Katya, it's your first meeting. Don't let him know you're his mate.' I repeat in my mind.

A slight, almost invisible smirk pulls at the corners of his lips, "of course it is, you don't have to worry, we don't bite." He jokes.

"Haha." I would believe you if you didn't smell like a dog.

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