~ Tokens ~

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Elaine mounted the ladder, ready to join the rest of the group outside the clubhouse

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Elaine mounted the ladder, ready to join the rest of the group outside the clubhouse. Richie stood beneath her, holding her red heels as she climbed. He smirked, looking up his wife's skirt, "I like the view," Elaine scowled at him, hurrying to get up. She reached for her heels as she mumbled, "It's a bad day to wear a skirt," Richie snorted at her comment.

He corrected her, "No, it's a great day to wear a skirt," Elaine rolled her eyes at her husband, putting her heels back on. Richie stretched, his neck hurting from being crouched in the small space. He made his way toward the others, "Okay, Mike, where do we find our tokens? Because with all due respect, this is fucking stupid." Most nodded, agreeing with him.

Eddie groaned, "Why do we even need fucking tokens? We already remember everything. Saving Beverly, the defeating of it. I mean, we're pretty much caught up by now." Elaine chortled at his comment, everyone looking at her confused. "Pretty much," She repeated, all of them still muddled by her words. "No, but seriously, do you guys remember everything?" Elaine crossed her arms knowingly, their faces twisting.

"Because I don't," Mike agreed with the woman, "It's not everything. I mean, we fought it but what happened after that?" The group went quiet as they tried to remember "Before the house on Neibolt what happened? Think about it." Richie opened his mouth but quickly shut it with nothing to say. "W-We can't remember, can we?" Bill shook his head, the rest looking at each other.

Why couldn't they remember? "See, there's more to our story. What happened during that summer, all those blank spaces? It's like pages torn out a book. That's what you need to find," Mike explained determined. Finally, the Losers began to see the situation from eye to eye. Well, till Mike stated that they needed to split up in order to do so.

Elaine's blue eyes widened stunned that Mike would even suggest that, "Do you want us to die?" He shook his head, "You each need to find your artifact, alone. That's important." Richie scoffed at his words, squeezing his eyes shut. "When you do, meet me at the library tonight." "This is fucking stupid," Eddie nodded at Elaine's remark.

"Yeah, statistically speaking, if you look at survival scenarios, we're gonna do much better as a group." Eddie declared sounding smart. "Yeah, have you ever seen a horror movie? Splitting up would be dumb, man." Richie ranted. "Catastrophic," Elaine snarled, eyeing Mike. The man quickly looked away. "Okay, we have to go together. We were together that whole summer!" Eddie nodded at Richie's assertion, agreeing.

Bill perked up from behind, memories flooding his head, "No. Not that w-whole summer." Elaine turned to the man, her mind now recalling that horrific day everything turned to shit. Bill shoved Richie, "T-Take it back!" Richie pushed him back, Bill finally having had enough. Ge suddenly punched Richie in the face, sending him tumbling onto the hard cement.

Elaine gasped, not expecting Bill to do such a thing. She helped Richie to his feet, grabbing his scratched up glasses beside him. The boy angrily let go of Elaine's hand, "You're just a bunch of Losers, Fuck off!" He strode back towards Bill, Stanley and Mike quickly going to hold Richie back.

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