Chapter three

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Every day form the past week was the exact same. Every morning I woke up to Tatum banging on my door, Every morning and lunch we said at the water fountain and everyone tried to get to know me better and everyday after school I had a shit ton of homework. Expect for my morning wake ups I barley saw Tatum. She spend everyday comforting Sydney, which left me with the guys. Randy and I actually got along really well. We often discussed horror movies. He told me about the rules of the movies and I told him about why I thought serial killers were poorly represented. Stu and I barley talked but Billy and I were sort of friends. Every morning he walked me to class and asked me crime related questions. We even had a couple classes together and often worked together in them. Since Sydney wasn't around at lunch Billy was often lurking behind me.

Today at lunch when I was reading a book about the link between crime and genetics, Billy snatched the book out of my hands and playfully slapped me on the top of the head with it.

"Are you coming to my party tonight scooby?"

I tried to grab my book from his hands but he held it above his head so I couldn't reach it.

"I didn't know you were having a party tonight."

A peeved expression fell across his face as he answered.

"You didn't? I'm pretty sure I told Randy to tell you."

"Sorry Billy I guess I forgot to tell her."

Randy said as he approached us and flopped down next to me. Billy looked like he was about to cuss Randy out so I answered before he could.

"Yeah I'll be there don't worry. I'm guessing it's gonna be at your house?"

"Yeah, do you know where my house is?"

"No I don't."

Randy quickly piped up.

"I'll pick you up from Tatums house around nine Y/N and drive you over there."

"Ok thanks Randy. I'm guessing you know where Tatum lives?"

He playfully smiled.

"Yeah I do, don't worry."


I stood in the middle of my bedroom staring at myself In my desk mirror.

I stood in the middle of my bedroom staring at myself In my desk mirror

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Y/N's outfit

I stared at myself for a bit, trying to decide if I should change or not. A honk from a car I was assuming was Randy's shook me out of my thoughts. I quickly zipped up my leather boots, grabbed my purse and my copy of Anne rules "the stranger beside me" and ran down the stairs. I hugged my aunt goodbye and told her not to wait up for me, then I was out the door.

We arrived at Billy's house a little after nine and it looked like the party was already out of control. My social anxiety kicked in and I instantly regretted telling Billy I was coming. There was so many people here he probably wouldn't even notice if I never showed up.

Randy and I got out of the car and began to walk up to the house. As we walked up the drive way Randy slipped his arm around my waist. I jerked my head to look at him but his eyes remained on the house. I didn't want to make things awkward so I let him hold my waist. The front door was open and as we walked up the front steps Billy appeared to greet us. He had a big smile on his face but the smile fell a little when his eyes landed on Randy's arm around my waist.

"Hey scooby Hey Randy I'm so glad you guys could come."

I smiled at him.

"Hey I had nothing better to do anyways."

Billy stepped out of the door way so we could walk inside.

The party was crowded and intense. The house was packed and it was very hard to move. By the time an hour had past I was done with the whole party. I escaped to the back poach. I curled up in a lounge chair and pulled out my book. The noises from inside the house became distant the more entranced I became in my book.


I awoke to the sound of a scream. I quickly looked around try to get my bearings as I remembered where I was. I must have passed out when I left Billy's party. I was about to go back inside when a figure from across the yard caught my attention. I couldn't see clearly in the dark but it looked like a man in all black running across the yard. The stopped at the old shed at the back of the yard and then disappeared inside. Before I know what I was doing my legs were carrying me across the yard. I checked to make sure I wasn't followed, then slipped inside the shed.

It was dark inside and my hands fumbled for a light switch. Once I found one and flicked it I was instantly blinded by the light. It took a second for my eyes to adjust but when they did I was shocked at the sight in front of me. There was a person wear a black dress type thing with long sleeves and a hood and a cheap looking ghostface mask. I noticed that their hands were clutching their side and my eyes fell onto what their hands were covering.

They had been stabbed, and it looked really bad.

I crouched down beside them and they quickly pulled out a small knife. I jumped back in surprise.

"Whoa whoa whoa. Don't worry I'm not going to hurt you or tell anyone you're here. I want to help you so let me."

Ghostface held the knife a moment longer, before dropping the knife and letting it fall to their side. I stood up again and began to look for something to help him with. I managed to find a older looking first aid kit behind a stack of wood.  I laid it out on the ground in front of ghost face. I grabbed his hands and pulled them away from the wound to see how bad it was.

It was pretty bad.


I whispered under my breath.

"That's pretty nasty."

I looked in the medical kit for some type of antiseptic wipe.  I found them and attempted to clean out the wound. The second the wipe touched ghostfaces flesh he let out a loud scream.

"Shhhhh you have to be quite or else someone will hear you."

Ghostface nodded. He placed a a leather gloves hand on my thigh and squeezed when the antiseptic wipe hurt him.

I could tell by the sound of his scream and the smell of his cologne that the person behind the mask was definitely a male. I finished cleaning out the wound and began to look for some bandages. I found them and began to bandage his cut up. Ghostface let his head fall back against the wall and released a sigh.  I finished bandaging him up and stood back.

"Well I'm finished. You need to take good care of that to make sure it doesn't get infected, it would be a major problem if it did."

I stared into the black eyes of the mask for a moment. Even though I couldn't see his eyes I could feel them burning holes into me. An awkward silence surrounded us so I cleared my throat and spoke up.

"You probably want to get out of here. I don't know why you're here but I have my ideas."

Ghostface nodded. He stared at me for a moment longer before standing up and walking past me. Once he reached the door he paused for a moment to turn around and look at me one last time, before slipping away into the night.

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