Chapter two

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By the time school was over that day all I could think about was going home and taking a nap. It had been a long day. I was interrupted at my locker however, by Stu, Randy and Billy.

"Hey Scooby!"

Randy said excitedly.

"Did you hear?"

I opened my locker and turned to him.

"I'm sorry did you just call me scooby?"

His face lit up in a smile as he chucked.

"Yeah it's your nickname. Scooby as In scooby doo because you like crime and mysteries and stuff."

"Wow you're creative."

I said mockingly.

" no I didn't hear, what did I miss."

This time Stu spoke up.

"Two students from our high school were murdered last night."


I said now intrigued.



Randy answered.


Billy said at the same time.

"Interesting." I replied.

" We wanted to hear your thoughts on the killings, since you're the crime expert and all."

I paused for a moment, considering the little facts I had on the murders.

"Well I don't have enough facts to make an expert opinion but based off of the way of the killings I would say that the killer was angry and trying to make a statement. The way the pair was killed is often referred to as a crime of passion and since these people were gutted the killer had probably done this type of thing before. I'm guessing the murderers are repeated offenders and will probably kill again. If the killers are trying to make a statement though, these victims probably aren't the main target."

"Main target?"

Randy said with and eyebrow raise.

"Well yeah. You don't start a three course meal with the entree do you? You have appetizers first. I'm guessing
The killers have someone in mind they want for their final victim, but they're starting with other people first to build up suspense."

All three men had a look of complete shock on their face. I'm guessing that's not what they expected me to say.

"Why did you say killers? Why imply that there is more the one?."

Billy said while looking at Stu.

"Because I think there is."

I responded, slamming my locker closed. I watched as another unspoken conversation passed between Billy and Stu. That was definitely weird but I decided not to acknowledge it. It's hard to make friends when you're obsessed with serial killers and I didn't want to push away the only people that had been somewhat decent to me at this shitty school.

"Well I gotta find Tatum. Have any of you boys seen her?"

There was a moment of awkward silence before Randy answered my question.

"She's comforting Sydney right now. This brings up memories for her. I'm sure you know all about it."


I questioned with a furrowed brow.

"Come on Y/N how could you not know about a true crime case in your new town?"

"True crime case?"

Billy spoke up this time.

"Sydney's mother, she was murdered almost a year ago."


I let my eyes fall to the floor. I felt insensitive. I can't believe I hadn't even thought to research the town I just moved to. Randy interrupted my thoughts.

"She was killed in the same way Steve and Casey were."

"They were?!?"
I answered almost excitedly.


Randy questioned.

"Is that important or something."

"Yes! It's very important. The same method of killing almost a year later? A lot of killers are nostalgic when it comes to their killings. Killing more victims a year later in the same way would be perfect. The victims aren't the same though."

"What are you saying Y/N?"

Billy said through clenched teeth.

"I'm saying whoever killed Steven and Casey is the same person who killed Sydney's mom."

"That's not possible though."

Randy said with a confused look on his face.

"Sydney's moms killer is in jail."

"Well I don't know who's in that cell but I don't think it's the right guy."

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