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Recap: This is when Sarah takes a power nap because of her long shift... Jaxon is talking to himself/her while she's asleep :)






"You know, I never thought you would sit out here with me, Sar."


"Especially the first time we met."


"Ha. I can still remember you yelling at me."


"Oh em geeee! Why are you sitting on the runway?! You're going to die! Oh em geeeeee!!"


"Oh shit. Shh, Sarah shh, go back to sleep sweetheart."




"If you were awake you'd probably be yelling at me. You know, for making fun of your voice."






"I'm-I'm glad you came to sit here with me though."


"I don't know what I'd do without you Sar."


"And... And..."


"I hope you'll stay."


"Especially when you realize that my sky has grey clouds."


"...clouds, clouds that even your sunshine can't overpower."


"And I'm sorry about that."


"I'm also sorry I'm such a coward."


"I only have the guts to tell you this when you're asleep. When you can't hear me. When I can't see your reaction."


"I hope you stay, Sar."


So this would be chapter 39, I wanted to include it, but never did :)

Also, Trains won! It's the next book I'll be writing, check it out on my profile!

I'm super mad though because Wattpad doesn't support the emoji I want to use for the book in the description :(

To those who read on their computer can you see this? -> 🚂

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Rank: #130 in Short Story <- *gasp*

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