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It was cold,but that was to be expected so far up here.

It was around midday up in the arctic,which was just the right time for Reaper to drop in on his favourite immortal,knowing that the other would welcome him in.

The other at the moment was doing some hunting,blending in very well with the heavy blizzard as he wore exclusively white,the only thing giving him away amongst the snow was the scarlet red scarf that he always bore around his neck.

As he fired his last bullet,he hit his target and his dinner for the night,Reaper landed himself on the barrel of the gun that his favourite was using.

Have you heard?

Have I heard what,Crow?

There is war raging farther down,They will be sending someone up to try to get us to join their fight,my friend

The ivory male waved his gun,causing the other to fly off and back up into the air,putting his gun back on his waist line and on the hook on his belt and opening his coat to allow the crow to nestle against his side.

As he closed his coat he walked over to his now lifeless meal,he knelt down and made sure it was no longer breathing,before grabbing it by the antlers and dragging it back to his cabin,as of which the two have been sharing.

It took around 23 minutes for the ivory male to arrive back at the cabin with his catch of the day,setting the reindeer down to unlock the side house and get the lights on,going and setting up a hanging rack along with setting up some other things to help prepare their dinner.

Said male then drug the reindeer into the side house,sawing its limbs off along with stripping it of its hide before hanging it up on the rack,before going back into the main house and setting his now sleeping partner on the couch.

He went and hung up his coat and set his boots by the side door,once he was all ready to be in the house he walked back to the couch and sat down,looking over to admire the pearly blue tint on his partner's feathers.


It was cold,but that was to be expected.

The natural sounds of the wind rushing and wolves howling could be heard as the rest of the night fell silent,the blizzard had grown more violent as the moon came out.

Reaper was now all properly nestled in bed,comfortably all tucked in with a warm blanket,the light having been dimmed and being all full up with dinner.

The ivory male watched his partner sleep from his once laying position,having sat up to put his boots back on.

After kissing his lover's forehead and closing the bedroom door,the male went and put his heavily insulated coat back on,buttoning and strapping it closed,grabbing an axe from near the fireplace.

Once he was ready,the ivory male headed back outside,walking wayward and into the messenger's path.

Once the messenger,a former dog monster,spotted the ivory male they hurried to meet up with him.

Sir geno,y-’,the dog monster didn't get to finish their sentence,nor even get halfway through talking,before the back end of genos axe smacked them back and onto the ground.

Geno moved in a shamble and stood over the monster he just knocked over.

A little birdy told me….”,geno moved his axe back into a swinging position.

That you are not welcome here.”,the ivory male swung his axe.

The ivory male blends in very well amongst the raging blizzard,the only thing giving him away was the glare from the metal of his now bloodied axe.

Key Memories.(CRMV short stories.) [discontinued]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt