Thand Yuquain-Toloth

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After about half an hour, Ellía managed to excuse herself and slip out of the loud room. She closed the door behind her and walked down the long corridor, passing a few groups of younger dwarves who had chosen to gather elsewhere. The elf smiled and greeted those who looked at her, but noticed one group sending her cold looks and turning their backs to her. The girl's heart clenched bit as she quickened her pace and headed for the front entrance.

She had completely forgotten about the possible dislike from some dwarves as she had been welcomed so warmly by the company's families. Ellía greeted the soldiers she had become friends with before hurrying out the front gates, and down the steps. The cool mountain breeze made her hair whip around her face as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She had been in the mountain all day and now her worries were back as she thought back to the dwarves and dwarrow in the halls. She needed to recharge under the sky for a bit and calm her frayed nerves.

The glaring dwarves had looked to be around Kili and Fili's age, but there was really no way of being sure of their actual age, and possibly of a higher class. The males had been dressed in sleek traveling clothes, handsome leather armor, and thick cloaks. The females had been wearing dresses and cloaks like Dis, and some flashy jewels and pendants. If those of the upper class held resentment towards her and her people, would she even be able to stay much longer? Would they demand that she leave their home? Thorin wouldn't allow that, but she didn't want to cause any tension between him and his people.

Someone cleared their throat and she whipped around to see the group of those who had been stand-offish in the hallways. "So, you must be the elf." One of the males said, walking down a few steps as he looked her up and down. "I am Ellía." She replied calmly and bowed her head. One of the dwarrow snickered and crossed her arms over her chest as she looked down at Ellía from the top step. "I don't see how a wee thing like you did half the things they are claiming." The same male said as he stepped down to look Ellía in the eyes.

The elf felt her hands grow a bit clammy as she remained silent. "I suspect you have them all under some elven spell. Trying to earn back the dwarven favor now that we are back in a place of power." He mused with a cruel grin, making the others laugh. "Perhaps she simply kept the company company on the road." A dwarrow sneered with a harsh laugh, and the others joined her. "If that is what you think of me, then I apologize for giving you the wrong impression." Ellía finally said, keeping her voice level. She could not lash out at them without making the situation worse.

"Of course that's the impression we get. They fawn over you. The princes won't let you out of their sight! They have hardly spoken to any of us since we arrived! And two of us will be their future partners." Snapped the first dwarrow as she walked down to stand next to the male. The dwarrow glared at Ellía and growled, "I know whose belt you where, elvish whore...". Before the elf could respond, a harsh voiced called from behind them, "Iri. Áshild."

They all spun around to see Balin standing there with an angry expression. "Lord Balin." All the dwarves said quickly and bowed their heads to him. "I think it would be best if ya' went back inside and behaved like the lords and ladies you were raised to be." He said lowly as he glared at all of them. Without another word the young dwarves hurried back inside and Ellía let out a heavy sigh as she dropped down to sit on the bottom step.

Balin quietly joined the elf and placed a comforting hand on her back. Ellía felt her eyes begin to sting and rested her head in her hands, not wanting Balin to see the tears trying to force their way out. "Don't take their words to heart, El. They all begged to join Thorin on the quest to prove themselves, but he would not allow it. They are jealous that you joined us. That is all." Balin explained gently. Ellía blinked away her tears and looked at Balin with a forced smile. "That must be it." She said, not sounding very convincing.

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