Thand Thirtui-Neled

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Ellía had spent the rest of the morning and the early afternoon sitting with Ori in one of the many libraries doing her best to contribute to his telling of the reclaiming of Erebor. It wasn't until Nori came to drag Ori down into the forges for a smithing-lesson did it come to an end. "Would you like to join us? I'm sure dwarven forges are much better than yer dainty elven ones." Nori snickered as they walked out of the library. The elf laughed and shook her head as she said, "I am sure your forges are quite impressive, but I need to check on Radag."

The two dwarves waved goodbye as they took the stairs that lead them towards the mines and forges. Ellía stopped by her room and strapped her light leather armor on, along with her twin swords and daggers. Radag had suddenly grown anxious out in the fields around the Mountain and Ellía could sense it. The Maeras stallion was uneasy and now the elf shared his worry. Once her she was ready, Ellía picked up her bow and quiver as she walked out the door.

She received a few odd looks walking through the halls of Erebor. The newly arrived dwarves and dwarrow had not seen her with anything more than a dagger. The girl ignored them, but returned the friendly ones as she approached the front entrance. "Ello there, lass!", a familiar voice called from outside the open gate doors.

Ellía sent Lord Dain a smile. "Greetings, Lord Dain. How has your day been?", she asked as the dwarf lord fell in-step with her. "Oh it's been fine. But your shadow of a friend has been stompin' his feet and huffin' at us since the last guard change." Dain commented and nodded towards Radag who was pacing in the distance.

The elf furrowed her brows in concern, hearing this. "I know... Something has him worked up." She said quietly. Ellía called out Radag's name and he spun around, galloping to her. "Is that why yer dressed for a fight? Should I send a patrol?". Dain questioned and scanned the horizon for anything suspicious. Radag nuzzled into her shoulder, letting out a loud huff.

"How about Radag and I go take look at the hills below before sending a patrol. Your people are settling back into their home. We shouldn't cause any unnecssary worry." Ellía suggested as she pulled her self onto Radag's back. Dain hesitated as he twirled a dagger in his hand. "I don't like sending' ya out there on yer own, lass." He grunted and sheathed the dagger. The elf smiled down at him and said, "I have Radag with me. I'm not alone."

Dain smiled a bit, looking at the massive stallion. "That is true. But if you see even a hint of one of those bastards, call for us." The dwarf lord said as he stepped forward and pulled a curled horn, made of a boar tusk, from around his neck. Ellía took the horn and secured it to the saddle. "I don't doubt there's some stragglers hangin' out in the foothills just waiting for their chance. Be careful, lassie" He said seriously.

"We'll be back soon." She replied with a nod, before she and Radag took off down the mountain's path. Lord Dain called the closest soldier to his side and ordered, "Inform the king that Lady Ellía has gone out for some quick scoutin'. There's no cause for concern as of now, but he'll be told when she returns. Now, go." The soldier hurried off to the throne room as Dain sat on the steps, sharpening his blade.


"Scouting? Why did she need to go scouting?", Fili questioned the soldier with furrowed brows. "Um, Lord Dain did not say exactly. But, Lady Ellía's Maeras has been on edge. I assume it has something to do with that, my Prince." The dwarf replied quickly. "And you said the elf went to the foothills?", asked Ezbad Goin. The soldier nodded. Thorin sat, deep in thought, at a table covered in scrolls. "And no one else accompanied her?", Dwalin scoffed. "She insisted that she would be fine. Lord Dain gave her a signal horn if she finds herself needing help." The soldier said nervously, avoiding direct eye contact with the warrior glaring at him.

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