Resolute Hearts

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"So the enemy was a descendant of the Uzumaki Clan." Kakashi said as the ninja, including Sasuke stood in the Hokage's office once more.

The leaf shinobi has just returned to Konohagakure after completing their mission in the Land of Whirlpools.

They'd safely returned all the captives to their respective villages unharmed.

"Good work everyone." Kakashi commended them.

After the debriefing the hokage dismissed the shinobi, save Sasuke who he asked to stay back.

Sakura headed out, careful to avoid Naruto's gaze.

During their mission, she'd felt the life being sucked out of her and there was one thought that had been on her mind---him. 

Lately she'd been so tormented about how she felt.

She looked at her sandals as she walked.

"Sakura. Wait a moment." Hinata caught up to her "Are you feeling alright?" 

Sakura looked at Hinata and touched her temple

"I'm fine Hinata. I guess I just feel a little tired after the mission."

The girls walked from the Hokage's office back to the village. It looked the same as always.

"Have you finished the scarf?" Sakura asked Hinata

Hinata nodded enthusiastically.

Sakura managed to smile

"You should give it him soon."

"I will." Hinata replied. "What about you?"

"What about me?" Sakura asked

"Have you thought of a gift for him?"

Sakura bit her lip thoughtfully.

"No. Not really."

"Then you can give him the truth." Hinata said simply

Sakura stopped walking and looked at Hinata


"I know Sakura. You love Naruto-kun right?"

Sakura was at a loss for words. How could she? Wasn't she careful to conceal how she truly felt?

"Hinata I--" she began to defend herself. She looked at her. "I think he would be better off with someone else. I won't stand in the way." 

"Stand in the way?" Hinata asked with a puzzled expression

"Yes." Sakura replied "You can tell him how you truly feel."

A blush rose in Hinata's cheek and she began to giggle. She put her hand to her lips to stifle the sounds.

Sakura looked at her , perplexed.


"I'm--I'm sorry." Hinata apologized when she composed herself.

"I do not feel that way about him." she confessed. "I did knit him a scarf but it was only to replace the one he lost so many years ago when he came to my defence. We were strangers but he came to my aid.I used to always cry and didn't know which path to take in life but he changed me. He changed Neji and he showed us the path that we should walk. To us, he is an important person." Hinata looked at her squarely. "Isn't he an important person to you?"

Sakura was stunned. 

How could she have gotten it so wrong? Was it her own guilt and feelings of unworthiness that caused her to  think the way that she had all this time?

Hinata smiled easily at her.

"Sakura." Hinata's voice was gentle as usual. "You can borrow his ninja way. You know what it is don't you?"

Sakura smiled at Hinata and nodded.

She knew it all too well.

"Hinata. Thank you." 

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