The Truth

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"Sasuke?!" Naruto exclaimed at the sight of his friend. "What are you doing here?" 

"I came to look for Karin." Sasuke replied. "She disappeared from Orochimaru's a while back. He thought it might have something to do with the Land of Whirlpools so I went to Konoha and Kakashi told me about the disappearances. I figured they were connected."

"Well they are." Naruto bit. "Karin's the one who abducted the people. "She's put them in that orb thing behind her.She's got Sakura-chan"

Sasuke looked in the direction of the orb, activating his Sharingan.

"I see them" he confirmed "And that's not Karin."

Naruto looked puzzled.

"What do you mean?"

"Someone's controlling her." Sasuke said simply.

The ninja did not question Sasuke's assessment, possessing the ocular power of the Sharingan, he was certainly qualified to be able to tell that kind of thing.

"So where's the enemy?" Naruto asked.

"It seems as though there is something inside of her. Her chakra looks different."

Suddenly Karin started laughing. Her voice was a low rumble at first but it grew increasingly loud, assuming a deeper tone and filling the room with a menacing sound.

"So you can see me." the voice became distinctly male.

"That voice.." Naruto muttered to himself .It was the same one from the dream

"It's him." Naruto said .The man from the dream. "Who are you?!" he asked.

"I am but a relic of the past and the heralding of the future."

"There you go talking nonsense again!" Naruto yelled.

"Naruto!" Sasuke called out to him. "We have to find a way to dislodge him from Karin's body."

"How do we do that?" Shikamaru asked.

The man laughed again.

"I am an Uzumaki. Uzumaki blood runs through this girl's veins.Just like you Naruto.This is our destiny."

"Bastard! My destiny is my own to make." Naruto replied before dashing towards Karin again.

Once more the chains shot out of her body, forcing him to leap into the air to avoid being caught. Without missing a beat, he hurled a wind shuriken at her. The chains formed a protective dome around her.


Seeing an opening, Sasuke darted forward. The moment the enemy came out of the chain he would get a hit in.

The chains recoiled and the enemy artfully dodged Sasuke's advances, leaping to stand on the altar.

Arms outstretched he spoke.

"Look around you. This land was once a jewel.My only goal is to return its lustre so it can shine again. For that. I need you."

He quickly wove a few signs and the orb began glowing brightly.

"I just need a little more power and I will be able to cast a complete Reverse Generation."

"Reverse Generation?"

"He means to resurrect the Uzumaki Clan."

His laugh sounded crazed.

"We will be gods among men. As we should have been."

"Sasuke. Let's show this god the power of men." Naruto rallied his comrade.

"Right." Sasuke agreed.

"I won't let you weaklings." The enemy countered. The glow from the orb permeated Karin's body, hoisting her in the air.More chains sprang from her body but instead of reaching for the ninja, it enveloped her body, transforming her in a monster.

In synchrony Naruto and Sasuke darted forward towards the beast. Naruto hurled himself in the air for his attack with another Rasengan while Sasuke charged at the leg, his hand crackling with lightning .

The enemy however managed to repel them. The chains simply dislodged, allowing both techniques to pass through that part of the creature's body. They quickly regrouped and tried to attack another way. The results were the same.

Shikamaru, Hinata and Sai watched the fray. 

When those two fought side by side, the energy was otherworldly.

"We have to get to Karin's body." Sasuke told Naruto

"None of our attacks seem to work on those chains." Naruto replied.

"Oi.Naruto." Kurama joined the conversation. "You'll have to pull the chakra out."

"Like I did with you?" Naruto asked

"Right."Kurama replied.

"Sasuke." Naruto turned to his friend. "We're going to play another game of Tug-of War."

Sasuke nodded understanding the reference perfectly. They'd had to use that tactic in the Fourth Ninja War  to retrieve the tailed beasts.

Naruto created multiple clones of himself. They darted forward towards the beast that attempted to repel them by casting chains from its body.

While the creature was distracted Naruto called out to his comrades.

"Shikamaru! Sai! Bind him!"

The two shinobi quickly sprang into action to stop the creature's movement.

Naruto used is chakra cloak to grab the beast on the beasts leg and began pulling. 

As the chakra began to flow into him, he started seeing things.Memories.Thoughts.Fears. Feelings..

Naruto: Alternative to the LastHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin