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Ichiraku was teeming with patrons. It was one of the most popular places to eat in the village for two reasons that were synonymous it seems : Naruto and Ramen. While the food was undoubtedly good, it was fairly common knowledge that you had the greatest chance of a Naruto sighting at this watering hole.

He strolled in casually with his hands stuck in his grey sweatpants.

"Right on time." Sakura strolled up beside him. She glared at the girls who she knew were aiming to make a beeline in his direction.

"Sakura chan" he smiled at her causing her insides to do a little dance.

"Sakura. Naruto." another voice came from behind them.

"Ino" they said in unison.

"I should have known I'd find you here." Ino smirked with a hand on her hip, her hair cascading to her calf.

"Were you looking for me?" Naruto asked.

"No. I actually just really felt like I wanted some ramen. Shikamaru and Choji went for Bar-b-q down the street."

Ino flanked them and they made their way to the last 3 seats available.

After placing their order, they chatted casually.

"The Rinne Festival is coming up." Ino said  "Have you gotten your gifts already?"

Sakura nodded .

"I'm done. How about you?"

"I still have a few things to get last minute." Ino confessed


 He scratched his head in that usual sheepish way.

"Well I haven't really done any shopping yet but I've gotten a few gifts though."

Ino smirked. 

"A few? I'm sure you could open your own flower shop by now.We have gotten so many customers at our shop buying sunflowers."

"Well--" Naruto stuttered

Ino laughed.

"Imagine that. Who would have imagined that you would have become so popular with the girls." She took a sip of her drink "Even I think I could fall for you."

Sakura's eyes widened.

"Ino! What are you saying?"

"Oh come on Sakura.We all know you only have eyes for Sasuke but Naruto here is prime property now."

Sakura was mute.

At Ino's statement, Naruto looked down at his hand.

"That darn Ino and her big mouth" Sakura cursed internally while glaring at her friend "What did she know anyway?"

"One of these days, some woman is going to snatch him up." Ino continued, staring pointedly at Sakura with a smirk as she sipped her drink.

Sakura's fist tightened

"Cha! Ino!" she raged internally

"Hello everyone." a barely audible voice greeted them.

Sakura's heart dropped.


"Oy Hinata! Join us." Naruto beckoned to her. "Order whatever you want."

"You can sit here." Sakura offered, relinquishing the seat on Naruto's right side.

Hinata was still clutching that bag from earlier.

She could probably figure out what was going to happen next. She will finally tell Naruto how she feels about him. The only thing she could do now is step aside. She'd had her chance all these years and she'd wasted them foolishly chasing Sasuke's shadow. He hadn't even been back to the village since he left.

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