10. Arcade

188 3 23

Tw ⚠️ violence, and mention of psych ward

Time skip a couple days. It was now Tuesday after school.

3rd person pov:
Sapnap had been staying at Karl's house ever since then, because his room was still being used by his dads girlfriends kids.

"Those kids better not have touched any of my things." Sapnap said to Karl as they were walking to Karl's house.

Karl have a cheap smile.

"Is everything alright?" Sapnap asked.
"Huh, oh yeah. Everything's fine!" Karl said slipping his fingers into sapnaps hand.
"Are you sure? You seem kind of down."
Sapnap said locking their hands together.

Karl sighed. "I guess, I haven't really been feeling good lately."
"What do you mean? It's not because of me, is it?"
"What, no! Of course not Sap."
"Are you sure? Because if I'm overstepping, by sleeping at your place, I can leave, I don't wanna over due it with you."
"No, I love you staying with me. It's just. I've noticed you haven't talked to any of your friends at all since Miami."
"It's only been a couple days Karl, I will talk to them. I've just been distracted by other things."
"Like what?" Karl said smiling.
"You." Sapnap said stopping.
"Why are we stopping?"
"Hold on, Dreams spam messaging me."


Can we talk?
Are you ignoring me?
We need to talk.

"He wants to talk."
"Great, then you should talk to him!"
"Can you come with me?"
"What?! No! I think it would be best if just you two talked. Maybe you can spend the night at his place tonight since classes are out tomorrow." Karl said smiling.
"Is that okay with you?"
"Of course it is Sapnap, you don't need my approval."
"I love you so much, you know that."
"I love you to." Karl responded.

They got to Karl's house.

And Dream was there waiting to pick Sapnap up.

Sapnap jumped in the car and they drove away.

Karl's pov:

I'm home alone again. Is it bad that I already missed Sapnap?

He made himself a snack, when he got a message.

It was from unknown number.

Hi Karl!

The message read.

Confused he replied


Are you free to hang?

Yeah, but who is this if you don't me asking?

Wow! Im offended!
Jk, it's me, Quackity? From the bus stop, you gave me your number.

Ohh, it was quackity. He thought to himself.
Sapnaps not here, so I have nothing better to do I guess. He texted him back.

I'm free tonight, when and where did you wanna hang?

Arcade? 7pm

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