7. Miss You

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"What do you mean something's wrong?" Karl asks.
"I got here, to the spot we agreed on meeting. When I showed up, he was no where, his stuff was here."
"Check his bag. Maybe there's something in there."
"Nope, nothing but a flask, and-"
"What is it?!" Karl asked frantically.
"An empty bottle of painkillers."
"Empty?" Karl asked.
"Yeah empty, why?"
"I gave him pain killers this morning. There was half a bottle.." Karl's heart dropped.

Karl's pov:
Now crying frantically.
"Where are you?"
"I'm at the docs by-"
He hung up the phone, and ran there as fast as he could.

He seen someone standing at the end of the doc, where Sapnap usually sat.

Racing towards them.
"Are you Karl?"
The girl asked.
"Yeah, and who are you?"
Karl said trying to catch his breath.
"My name is Tina."
"Where could he be?" Karl said still crying and trying to catch his breath.

"Let's walk around and call for him."
They had been looking for 2 hours. And still no sign of him.

Karl was starting to get scared, that he might've done something to hurt himself.

I can't think like that, he's still alive, he's just probably walking around, not noticing he left his stuff.

Karl the started crying again.
"It's going to be okay, we'll find him."
Tina said, trying to comfort him.

Suddenly they heard 2 voices coming from behind them. It was 2 guys. Karl turned to look, it was Sapnap and some old man.

"Oh my goodness." Karl said running to hug him. "I thought you did something stupid Sap." Karl said not letting go of him. "Hey, Karl, look at me."
Karl looked at Sapnap.
"I'm okay Karl, I just went on a boat ride with this old man. I was gonna text you, but I left my stuff. Which I'm surprised didn't get taken."
Karl still hugging Sapnap. "But the pills I gave you, they're gone, what did you do with them?"
Sapnap pulled something out of his pocket, it was the pain killers Karl had given him.
"They we're in my pocket, those ones must've been from when Dream gave me some."
He said pointing to the empty container Tina was holding."

"I'm really glad you're okay." Tina said walking to give sapnap his things.
"Thanks Tina, and I'm sorry for calling you for nothing, immediately after I called you, that old man asked me to help him with something on his boat, and then suddenly it turned into a few hour boat road." Sapnap said laughing.

"It's not funny Sap, I thought you were hurt."
Karl said looking at him with teary eyes.
"I know, I'm sorry Karl. How can I make it up to you." He said holding Karl's face.

"By going to prom with me."
"I already said I would." Sapnap said smiling.

"Prom?" Tina asked them.
"Yeah." Sapnap said still looking at Karl.
"That's cool, I never got experience prom. I'm home schooled." Tina said with a half smile.
"You should come with us!" Sapnap said.
"I couldn't, I wouldn't wanna be a bother to you guys."
"No, its totally fine!"
Sapnap said, trying to sound convincing.
"Well if it's alright with you." Tina said looking to me.

"Yeah, you should totally come with us." Karl said smiling.

"I'm starving, do you guys wanna grab something to eat?" Sapnap said.

They all sat in a diner and talked for what seemed to be hours. Before Tina says "I have to get going now, it's getting pretty late. And my moms gonna get be sending out a search party soon."
Sapnap laughed. "Okay, see you later Tina."
"See you!" she said waving bye at the two boys.
"She seems nice." Karl said.
"She is. I actually met her at the doc."
"Remember that night I was drunk, and came to your house."
"Yeah" Karl said with a questioning look.
"Well this is kind of embarrassing but she's the one that found me and gave me a ride to your house, and then again this morning, we met at the same spot, we talked for awhile and had coffee."
"But why did you call her? To come see you today. Why didn't you call me, or George?"
"I don't know, I guess I just didn't wanna bother you guys to cut school again. I was feeling some way, and Tina said I could call her anytime, and she told me that she had today off."
"I'm glad you're okay Sap"

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