8. A Night To Remember

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Tw⚠️ mention of drugs

Time skip

They were arriving to Miami now, it was 8pm.
"Woah, the sunset looks cool!" Punz said.

Karl's pov:
Sitting there, quiet, not knowing what to say or do, he felt awkward. He hadn't known these guys as well as Sapnap did.
So he just kinda felt alone.

"Karl? You okay?" Sapnap tapped him and asked.
"Huh, oh yeah. Sorry, I zoned out for a second." Karl said smiling.
"We're here!" Sapnap said excitedly.

Karl smiled at him, he didn't know what to say.

"So what do you guys wanna do?" Dream asked the group.
"Well seeing as its 8pm, is there really anything to do?" George asked.
"It's Miami George. There's everything to do." Sapnap said smiling.
"What about bowling?" Punz suggested.

They all agreed, but first they thought they should get settled in at the beach house first.

They arrived at the beach house and got settled in, Sapnap was sharing one of the guest rooms with Karl, while the others got their own room.

Karl felt a tug behind him, he turned around quickly and it was Sapnap.
"Hey there" Sapnap said grinning pulling him in for a kiss.
Karl smiled and kissed him back.

"Come on love birds." George said grinning.
They both smiled at George, and headed out.

They arrived at the bowling alley, it was now 10pm.

"I never bowled before" Karl said nervously.
"It's okay, I'll teach you." Sapnap replied.

They both walked in behind the other guys.

They payed for their lanes and they walked towards them.
They all bowled for hours, until it was 1am, and the place was closing.
"That was fun." George said playfully pushing Dream.
Dream laughed "yeah it was" he replied.
"Now what?" Punz asked.
"We're doing more?" George asked.
"Do you guys wanna?" Dream added.
"I mean, sure. I heard that group of teens inside talking about a party at the doc. We can check that out?" Punz suggested.
Immediately Karl blurted out "NO"

They looked at Karl in confusion.
"I mean, I think we should do something else."
Sapnap walked away towards the vehicle.
Dream following behind.
"Everything alright Sap?" Dream asked.
"Huh, oh yeah everything's fine. Just a little tired." He replied.

"I'm kinda tired, so maybe we can check out more things tomorrow." Dream shouted to the group.
They all nodded & agreed.

Time skip:

It was now 3am, Sapnap and Karl were finally getting ready for bed.
As soon as they were about to sleep, Sapnap walked towards the balcony that was attached to their room.
"Uhh, what are you doing?" Karl asked confused.
"The sky looks so pretty." Sapnap responded.
Karl the followed Sapnap outside.
"We're right beside the beach." Sapnap said smiling.
Karl didn't know what to say, so he nodded.

Sapnap then proceeded to climb down the balcony, it wasn't a far jump, so he just hung off the balcony, and let go.

He landed on his back.
"Oh my god, are you okay?!" Karl shouted.
Sapnap laughed. "Come on down Karl."
"What, you're crazy! I'm not jumping." Karl protested.
"Okay, stay here then." Sapnap said walking away.

Karl then jumped off and ran towards Sapnap.
"I knew you would follow." Sapnap said grabbing hold of Karl's hand.

"You think I wanted to?" Karl said smiling.

The two of them walked along the beach for a couple hours, talking.

It being 5am, and the sun was rising.
"We should probably get back. We'll be tired all day, and then we won't get to do anything." Karl said.
Sapnap then pulled something out of his pocket. It was pills
"Woah, what the fuck Sap, why do you have those?!" Karl said frowning.
"Relax, they aren't bad, they just help you stay awake, Ive been using them since freshman year." Sapnap responded.
"Still!" Karl said grabbing the pills from Sapnap's hand.

"What the fuck Karl! Give them back!" Sapnap shouted.
"No" Karl said dumping the pills in the water.
"So the sea life can have them, and not me?" Sapnap protested.
"The sea life aren't gonna get them." Karl said assuringly.
"Whatever, let's just go." Sapnap said walking away angrily.
"Sap, come on, don't be like that." Karl said grabbing hold of him.
"Don't touch me. The others were right about you." Sapnap said pushing him.

"What do you mean by that?" Karl said stopping.
"Nothing." Sapnap said, pulling Karl's wrist.
"No, tell me."
"It's nothing Karl, just drop it."
"Whatever, Karl said walking by Sapnap giving him a small shove.

They got back to the beach house, and the door was locked.
They knocked for 5 minutes until finally Dream answered.
"What are you guys doing outside, it's 5am." Dream asked.
"Nothing." Sapnap said angrily storming off to their room, Karl following behind.

"What did you mean by that Sapnap."
Karl asked.
"KARL, JUST FUCKING DROP IT!" Sapnap shouted at him.

Dream then came in, what's the matter, why are you guys shouting.

Karl grabbed his bags and pushed Dream out of the way.
"Ow, why did you do that?" Dream asked.

Karl's pov:
Karl didn't answer and just went outside with his things, walking towards the nearest coffee shop.

He finally found one after 25 minutes of walking.

He went in and sat down, it was almost 6am.
"Hi! What can we do for you?" The lady at the register asked.

"Uh, can I just get a large ice cap?"
"Sure! I will get that for you right now!" The lady said.

Karl went and sat down, setting his bags beside him.

The lady brought his drink a couple minutes later.
He sat there for about 15 minutes drinking his ice cap, and reading the menu over and over.

"Hi, did you need anything else?" The waitress asked.
"Oh, uh. No! I should probably get going now. Thank you." Karl said placing a $5 bill on the table.
The waitress smiled and said goodbye.

Well what should I do now? He thought to himself.

He decided to check his phone. And it was blown up with messages from Dream & Sapnap.
Karl, I'm sorry. Where are you?
A message read, from Sapnap. Along with tons of other messages.

He turned his phone off.
And walked towards a bus stop.
Until someone stopped him.
It was a boy. "Hi! I'm kinda lost right now, do you think you can point me in the direction of the nearest bus stop?"
"Uh, sure. I'm actually going to one right now." Karl said smiling, but it quickly faded.

They walked towards the bus stop, it was another 40 minutes before the next bus came.

The sat in silence for a bit, until the boy randomly asked.
"Girl trouble?" With a smirk.
"Uh, trouble. But it's not a girl." Karl said awkwardly.
"So a boy then?"
"Yeah." Karl said not facing him.
"Ahh, I see." The boy said.

They talked for half hour, and then they seen the bus coming.
Karl was about to go on first, but he stopped.
"What's the matter?" The boy asked from behind him.
"I can't." Karl said stepping aside.
The boy then walked in front of him.
"Well, this is where we part ways."
Karl smiled at him.
"Wait! Can I get your number?" The boy asked.
"Uh, sure. Why not." Karl said typing his number into the boys phone.

"Alright, it was nice to meet you- uh, I never got your name?" Karl said.
"Oh, uh, I'm Alex, but my friends call me Quackity."
"Nice to meet you Quackity." Karl said smiling.

The bus then drove away.
Karl looked at his phone again, and just as he unlocked it, he got a call, it was George, he answered.

Words- 1281
Hi guys, sorry I haven't updated in awhile, I promise I'll start uploading new chapters regularly again.

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