Getting ready pt.1

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After the whole argument with Oscar Jade was in a bad mood, but didn't want to ruin the mood so she just plastered a smile on her face and pretended like nothing happened. Which they all new that she was a bit upset but didn't want to bother her so they kept quiet.

Meanwhile at home Oscar was panicking. it was a well known fact that when Jayden was angry at you don't make her more angry. In Oscar's words 'if you were to put her on an anger scale it would go from 0 to 10 and if you make her more angry it's a 10 to 50'. He was kind of afraid of her. So he made sure he found someone who could do instead of Ceaser.

Maddy was on her phone but then she looked up from her phone to face Jade with a sad look on her face " Your gonna hate me but I have plans with Nate so I can't drive you home"

"It's ok" Maddy looked confused "Go talk to your man cause he looks a little bit angry if you asked me" she waved at Nate with a smile

" oh ok see you tonight" Maddy said in a rush and Jd nodded at her and hugged her before they went there separate ways. Maddy to Nate Jd to Jaden.

" Hey do you happen to have a car" he nodded a bit confused " do you mind giving me a ride"

" fine but only because it's you" he replied and Jade started to smile and hugged him " ok ok let's go"

They got into the car and Jade told Jaden her address, but before they left they made a plan they were going to go to his house he will get ready then they were going to her house and she would get dressed and go together.

"Wow your house is really nice" Jade had said while getting out of Jaden's car.

"Thank you" Jaden said a bit nervously knowing that his parents were home and would think something completely wrong. "Before we go in just know that they are are fluent in Portuguese but do speak English" she nodded at him understanding.

They walked up to the door and Jaden unlocked the door, he made way for her to enter and then he went in after and closed the door.

"Jaden é que você ( Jaden is that you)" Jaden's mom questioned walking in the room.
When she walked in she looked confused and looked Jade up and down before turning back and looking at Jaden "Quem é essa garota que é linda, posso acrescentar ( who is this girl? Who is beautiful may I add)"

" O nome dela é Jaden, mas você poderia chamá-la de Jade" He said and whispered to Jade "Say -"

He was cut off by jade " Oi prazer em conhencê-lo" he smiled at her not knowing she can speak Portuguese.

He turned back to his mom and said " Posso ir a uma festa?(Am I allowed to go out to a party)" he said smiling at his mom.

Jaden's mom looked at him then looked at Jade who was smiling at her "Claro, mas só se você trazê-la, eu gosto dela (Sure only if you bring her around more)" she pointed to Jd.

"Oh muito obrigad e com certeza virei e visitarei (oh thank you so much and I will be sure to come and visit)" she went and hugged Jaden's mum.

"Ok, eu e Jade vamos subir e iremos embora em cerca de 10 minutos ( ok me and Jade are gonna upstairs and we will be gone in about 10 minutes)" he said very awkwardly

"Ok. Se você precisar de algumd coisa, estou lá dentro (if you need anything I am in there)" She pointed to a room which she was slowly entering.

Jade waved her goodbye and Jaden had tuned to her with a smirk on his " I like your mom she is really amazing. Also can you do me a favour and get her skin routine" she turned to Jaden as she said that

He nodded at her agreeing "So when we're you going to tell me you can speak Portuguese" they had started to walk up to his room.

"Well I learnt it 2 months ago. I was really bored and I thought since I know Spanish why not learn a new language and Portuguese was the first that came to mind"she explained as they reached his room

"Interesting" is all he could get out.

They sat there for a little bit talking before she reminded him that he needs to pick out an outfit.

"What do you were to these kinds of things" he questioned while looking in his closet.

"How about I pick an outfit out for you since I have good fashion taste" he thought about what's she said for a few seconds then nodded and she quickly rushed over to his closet.

The first thing she picked up was a pair of shoes they were green and black Jordan's. Then found a pair of black plain jeans and it took her a little bit but she had finally found a top that had some green on it. "Here you go. Get dressed." She starts to go on her phone totally distracted from Jaden who was getting changed but she did look up for a second which was when his top was of. He had a very nice six pack and a tattoo on his chest. She started smiling when she saw him but quickly looked down so she wouldn't get caught staring.

After about 2 minutes Jaden was dressed in the outfit he was given by Jade.

Jaden's outfit:

"I like my outfit and I will like to confirm that you do have a good fashion taste" he said still looking at himself in the mirror

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"I like my outfit and I will like to confirm that you do have a good fashion taste" he said still looking at himself in the mirror.

"Love it. Not my best work but still works." She approved of his outfit.

" ok let's get doing and go to your house and then to Mckay's" he said grabbing his keys and heading downstairs


What do you think about the relationship between Jaden's (boy) mum and Jayden(girl)?

If I have said anything wrong don't be afraid to correct me

If you have any suggestions let me know?

I hope you enjoyed it

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