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"This," he grabbed a sundress from a rack in the clothing boutique. At first glance it was much too revealing compared to the ones I would usually go for, but the look in his eyes convinced me immediately.

"That's quite short," I had to hesitate, not needing him to know that the way he was clearly visualising me in it at the moment was dangerously arousing.

"Better access." He handed it over to me, eyes darkened and watching me take the dress in. When I sent him a look of forced disapproval, he grinned. "Sorry, angel. What I meant to say is, it'd compliment your eyes."

"Sure," I rolled my eyes and walked past him, deciding to look at bathing suits while we were here. I left Alexander to view the dresses, needing a little space to breathe from his intensity.

My cousin Rebecca would arrive in a few days, and I could not wait to hear her opinion on all this. Knowing her, she would support hooking up with a sexy man at a wedding any day, but I'm sure this particular situation would make her think twice. I would not be speaking to Sara, as she was stuck in her bubble of love with Nick, coating each other in diabetes-inducing compliments. I had half the heart to text my best friend about back in the city, but decided against it for now.

I viewed the bathing suits, not necessarily needing anything new as I had already packed a pair for this stay since Sara had insisted on wanting to tan by the pool. It didn't make sense to me to have an outdoor pool because the weather during most of the year was so terrible, but I guess this was the Dormer family's summer home and they had money to spend on the craziest things.

"Why do you dislike your mother?" The low voice very close behind me made me jump out of my thoughts. I spun around to find Alexander watching me closely, and I forced myself to take a small step away from him. I noticed he had picked up more items of clothing for me, casually hanging them on one arm.

"I love my mother," I began, confused as to who he had spoken to or how he had managed to notice this, as he hadn't been present for long when my mother had joined us. "She can just be a lot."

"In which ways?" he inquired, dark eyes moving between mine curiously. Even the way he looked at me caused my body to light up pleasantly.

I shook my head and sighed, "she can't stand the fact that I don't have a partner. Her worldview consists of women staying home and marrying as soon as possible; motherhood is the most valued job there is, and so forth."

"She bothers you with it, even when her youngest is about to get married?" he chuckled, not believing it was possible. He would, once he got to know her better.

"She told me it's not normal for the youngest daughter to marry before the oldest," I recalled spitefully, smiling sarcastically. "But she is still my mother, and when she's not nagging about me dying alone, she can be very sweet."

I turned away from Alexander to observe the bathing suits again, touching ones material in an attempt to ground myself from the intoxicating man. He inched closer to my side, turning my attempt futile. I could smell his delicious cologne, and the insane part of me wanted to bury my face in his chest to breathe in deeply and revel in the scent.

"I bet you'll enjoy her, though," I continued, smiling knowingly to myself, "the way she was drooling over you this morning? She loves men like you."

"Men like me?" he inquired, an audible grin in his teasing tone. I wouldn't entertain the thought of him having to know how attractive I found him. I shook my head and turned to him again, brushing away where the conversation had been going. The only reason I was still here with him and not insisting we return to the estate was that I had a chance to suffer through my hangover without my mother having the chance to worsen it. And I liked the attention he gave me.

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