I'm not used to being loved ; I wouldn't know what to do .ᐟ

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In which Donnie admits to Casey on why he hasn't given him a solid answer in the last 3 days from his confession.←


" I'm not leaving til you give me an answer as to why you've been avoiding me like the plague .ᐟ do I smell that bad or what ? "

Here we have on very persistent, and very frustrated Casey Jones, following after former rival and now close friend, Donatello, to his lab.

Well...friend was a nice word to put it.
Hell, Casey didn't even know what they were. For the past 3 days it's all been..so confusing for him.

It all started when Casey pulled Donnie aside for something after dinner in the lair, taking him back to the lab. He really needed to talk,
And Donnie? He really needed to try and avoid a talk.

For Donnie couldn't properly think straight around Jones, and it frustrated him.

He was never like this with April. Never .ᐟ which is why it completely confused the mutant for days on end, sleepless nights trying to calculate and compute experiments on himself to figure out why and how he was feeling this way.

Who knew the answer would be much more simple than a science equation ?

As soon as Casey that evening told Donnie the basics; in his words exactly;

Listen D', I like you. You're cute, you're funny, and honestly? Quite attractive when angry. It took me a long time to realize who I was really trying to impress.

It left Donnie...speechless, flustered, surprised and mute.
He felt so terrible, he didn't trust himself enough to rebuttle and give Casey a proper answer.

Donnie had poorly excused himself, all in a stammer, all in a blur, that the toaster was running away, and he had to go catch it.

Yeah...wasn't his best move...not in the slightest. 
It did humor Casey though, despite the utter confusion it left the boy in. He..knew not to be hurt by the brush off, or tried not to be at least. Don was always that easy to fluster, he’s seen it plenty of times himself.

But a running toaster was a totally new one Casey was jotting down in his head, then.

But now?
Now he wasn’t giving Donnie a choice . The mutant has gone on 3 days of no interaction with him and ignored his calls.
Casey would be damned if he let Donnie push away from him like this.

Not after all they’ve been through. Not now.

“ Dee, can you just say something ?.ᐟ?.ᐟ gibberish, boring math, I don’t care .ᐟ I’m fuckin’ tired of you not speaking to me for once .ᐟ if it’s what they’ll say..dude, screw them .ᐟ it’s why I want to talk to you privately. ”

Casey, at this time, was reaching out to stop Donnie from walking away from him, a little hiss bubbling at his lips.

“ I’m not expecting anything back. I’m not expecting you to say you love me too...I just.. ”

There's one thing about Casey, and that thing was.. expression. He didn’t know how to do that properly, and when he tries to figure it out? He tries so Indiligently.
His brows were contorted then, not to mention the hidden tears in his eyes that Casey would rather drop dead than admit to.
It takes him a minute, a sharp inhale, his fingers digging gently into donatello’e upper arm before he can say the next thing..

“ I don’t want us to drift apart, man. I don’t want to lose you because you didn’t want to say I love you or felt the same like I did..i’d be..cool with being friends. ”

“ ....I’m not.

Color Casey surprised, his head bobbles up in a startled manner when Donnie quietly speaks now.
It took him until this moment to see how vulnerable Donnie was.

Donnie could barely look at Casey, he felt so embarrassed for the past few days, and tried to reason with himself that..maybe he didn’t have strong feelings for Casey because...because it was wrong , wasn’t it?
April was a friend too and...look how that turned out.

Donnie was just as terrified as ruining another friendship him and Casey finally got to kindle.

But he realizes now, Jones wasn’t like April. He wouldn’t continuously lead Donnie on into a loophole of what if’s and maybe’s.


Casey was always blunt with him, right from the start. Honest and true.

It was about damn time he was the same in return.

“ I mean..I...I don’t want to just be friends, Jones .ᐟ oh for Darwin sakes— i’ve spent the last three nights panicking over what i’d say to you. ”
There’s a subtle change in his tone as he gently takes hold of casey’s hand that was over his arm, now gently, mindlessly, caressing it.

“ I’m not used to being loved, Casey.. I wouldn’t know what to do. And..you deserve someone better than something like me—

There wasn’t much time in stringing his self deprecating words together, his worries, for the human boy to hear before everything seemed to stop at once.

Donnie was pushed forward, against Casey with a small yelp, plastron bumping against the teenager’s chest, hands were firm on his face.

He had no time to react or realize what exactly was happening as Casey Jones smashed his lips against Donatello’s.

He had to be dreaming right now, Donnie that is. Never did he predict something like this would happen to him..someone would genuinely...love him.

It doesn’t take long for Don to melt into the kiss. his arms around Casey’s waist, pulling in the hockey player instinctively. 
Donnie really didn’t want to let go of him, he wants to stay right there, lips against the others for forever.

Unfortunately, both parties did need air after a short while, and Casey was the one to pull away, yet still keep close, letting his forehead butt firmly against Donnie’s.

“ I don’t want somebody better. The only thing I want is your nerdy ass. And that’s the best thing I could honestly want, dude. Don’t make me kiss the self depreciation outta you. ” .

He felt as if he could cry, just out of pure bliss of course. Donnie feels that toothy grin sprawl on his face as he stands there, arms never unwrapping themselves from Casey.

“ maybe you should do that. ”

“ oh yeah? And what if I add a side of taking you out on the coolest date ever as a side dish? What’re you gonna do, huh? Huh? ”

Casey nudges, squirms in his hold, a shit eating grin on his own face as he leans right into Donnie, pecking his lips, just once or twice.
He liked the feeling, he liked getting to kiss Donnie.

Donnie sure as hell loved Casey kissing him too. The blush on his cheeks, the big dorky smile said it all for him.

“ I’d say that sounds like a fantastic idea, Jones. For once. ”

“ hey .ᐟ I come up with a lot of great ideas .ᐟ ”

“ mhm okay, name one for me. ”

“ asking you out is one, pretty boy .ᐟ ”

Okay, well, he definitely got Donnie there. It leaves Donnie flustered for a moment, sending a small playful glare at one grinning Casey Jones too.

“ fine fine, you win for now . But seriously, where to? ”

“ welllll...”

Casey links an arm around his waist, sure, the kid can be blind at times to others feelings, seem way over his head, ambitious, rambunctious. But he was a sweet one too.

He was gonna show Donnie what it meant to be loved.
Take him back to where they technically first met.

The hockey rink.

Except, take out the explosive kraang and hockey pucks.

Now that was one perfect first date In his eyes .ᐟ

The good, the bad, and the mischievous adventures of Casey Jones & Donatello Where stories live. Discover now