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chapter 14:

haruto and jeongwoo didn't really acknowledge what they shared officially, but they were on better terms now.

"whose bicycle is this?", jeongwoo questioned.

"mine", haruto whispered as he appeared from behind. "but why-"
"let's go, we're getting late!"
haruto hopped on his bicycle and gave jeongwoo a smile, probably jeongwoo's daily vitamin.

jeongwoo smiled back and they both cycled together to the school. racing a moment, riding along each other the other moment, and warning each other to look ahead at times.

"it was fun, now I know why you don't come with me and ride a bicycle instead"
jeongwoo nodded and tip toed to set haruto's hair, "You rode too fast"
"still couldn't beat you"

"I'll see you in the class!"
"where are you going?"
"will you..?"
haruto nervously rubbed his nape, and looked down.

"will you sit with me?"
"what about junkyu?"
"I'll tell you a secret, he was actually dying to sit next to doyoung-"
jeongwoo chuckled and nodded.

haruto walked to the class with a smile plastered on his face, which was very weird for others because that stone cold boy just never smiled, no one except jeongwoo saw him smile. maybe this is what we call, "the jeongwoo effect". his everyday mission was to make haruto smile, things turned around for a few days but now they were back at it.

haruto went to sit at the back. "junkyu, you won't believe it-"
"I saw it coming! you are best friends, how come you won't reunite!?"
haruto nodded, he wanted to give some details, but he knew junkyu wouldn't really like it. junkyu sat beside doyoung, "this seat is taken again, I just know it", junkyu said before leaving.
haruto chuckled.

doyoung smiled, "oh hey cutie, how come you're here?"
"well, you'll know soon, let's be friends though, doyoung!"
doyoung smiled, junkyu returned a smile back.

haruto kept looking outside the window, waiting for jeongwoo. the first period went without jeongwoo, haruto was restless. he stood up and went to the library.

haruto looked around in the library to see jeongwoo arranging books, haruto took out his phone and sneaked some pictures. he was busy adoring the pictures when he lost the sight of the boy.

haruto walked out of the book shelves and searched around like a clueless puppy, haruto then sighed and sat on a chair. he looked in front of him to see jeongwoo sleeping. haruto's furrowed eyebrows relaxed as his eyes smiled.

"here you are", haruto said and placed his head down, jeongwoo seemed like he was in a deep sleep.

"how can someone sleep this fast?"

"since you're sleeping, let me try what I have been planning to do"

both boys had there heads down, the sunlight troubled jeongwoo, haruto chuckled and placed his hand close to jeongwoo's face, cancelling the sunlight.

haruto then said, "park jeongwoo, the one who has never left my side, who has been with me for all the years I've lived, who I love to annoy, I'm sorry I stole your toys when we were young, that was just to distract you from your father's beatings! I know I'm bad at expressing my feelings, I have a weird love language, but..despite everything, I'm out of denial stage and I like you, I really do"
haruto ran out of breath and sighed.

"did you record it?"
"I did!"
"let's go now"
jihoon and yedam talked as they sneaked out of the library.

jeongwoo woke up and saw haruto worried, haruto was startled all of a sudden. jeongwoo chuckled, haruto said, "you've got drool-"
"shut up, it's embarrassing"
jeongwoo cleaned his face.

"embarrassing? we've literally bathed together!"
haruto yelled, everyone looked at them.

jeongwoo's body started heating up and his cheeks turned to a pinkish shade. jeongwoo got up and sprinted out of the library.

haruto was confused, "did I say something wrong?"
"that was years ago!"

haruto ran after jeongwoo who was hiding his face.

haruto held jeongwoo's hand and pulled him towards himself in the empty corridor. Jeongwoo's eyes widened, "h-haruto-"
"why are you stuttering?"
"you're too close"
haruto pulled away and left jeongwoo's hand.

so? I want to be close. is it uncomfortable? do I make you uncomfortable?

"you don't make me uncomfortable, it's just that I'm not used to it and..."
"it's okay..I'm sorry", haruto pouted sadly. jeongwoo smiled and said, "You actually followed me to the library?"
"Yeah, you were missing for a whole period!"
jeongwoo chuckled, he was finding the whole situation very cute. jeongwoo pecked haruto's cheek and rushed to the class.

"payback for making me blush earlier", jeongwoo mumbled as he sat on his seat, jeongwoo then passed a smile to all his friends who were smiling cheekily knowing what was up.

haruto walked into the class with a poker face and sat down beside jeongwoo who was staring out of the window, while his hands on the desk, continuously making a sound.

haruto controlled his smile, visualising what just happened again and again, jeongwoo's sounds interrupted haruto's scenarios. haruto held jeongwoo's hand, jeongwoo looked at him with a surprised face.

the taller seemed angry, jeongwoo wanted for apologize but haruto then held his hand properly as their hands fell under the desk. jeongwoo was frozen, it was like electricity creeping over his body. he felt ticklish on his stomach.

haruto entangled their fingers together and looked up at jeongwoo, slowly lifting his eyebrows.

jeongwoo gulped and said, "I never knew I could feel the things you're making me feel", haruto chuckled, "you never saw me as a love potential, I can do wonders when I truly like something", haruto said as he simultaneously caressed jeongwoo's hand with his thumb.

both boys forgot they were in the class surrounded by many other students.

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