Intro to the two losers

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Aight uh. First of all, Requiem is this half dragon half human dude who can essentially see the future and the past via paintings he makes. Which causes him to always breakdown for he doesn't wish to know the truth and simply craves for blissful ignorance. Malice isn't actually her name- I just call her that because her nickname is "The Masked Malice" She can summon funny dragons that also wear a masks because I am extremely ✨creative✨She'll mostly summon Stardust which is her favorite out of all the dragons. She just runs around causing destruction because why tf not while Requiem just watches her do it with disappointment in his face. Anyhow, that's the basic intro to the two. Adios putos y putas.

Random shit with my OCs Requiem and Malice idk-Where stories live. Discover now