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AN- Chapter songs: She Knows by J Cole and Flume by Bon Iver... 

9th November 1995

Waxing Crescent

"Ron!" I shouted as the portrait sealed the entrance to the tower. "You haven't given me a fair breath to explain!"

He halted all foot movements and spun to face me. "WHY SHOULD I?" He spat and the fury that ran through him was more vibrant than his hair. I was at a loss for words. "See. You're no good. How in Merlin's bloody world did I date you for six months?"

The words ran through my chest like a dagger and I had to step back to ensure I wouldn't fall over. "That- that's not fair."

"What's goin on?"

My head snapped from Ron's direction to the stairs that led to the dormitories. Ginny. My chest felt more sturdy with her nearby for this god awful situation.

Ron's hands flexed into firm fists at his sides that I feared where the built-up energy would go. "Go back to bed, Gin." He spoke through his steel teeth.

There was a stillness in the air that I was too insecure to break, and I was unsure of where Ron's head was...

"No," Ginny spoke in an oxymoron. Her voice was soft, but held a firm tone.

Ron's rage transferred from his fists, up to his arms, and to his face. His cheeks grew profusely red. "Go anywhere but here, Ginerva."

"Shove it, Ronald." She walked past Ron to stand between him and I, but to the side. "You know I don't listen to you. What's with the shouting anyways?"

"She's shaggin Malfoy!" He unfolded his fist to point his entire hand in my direction, stabbing the air as if he'd been imagining it were me his hand sliced through.

Ginny looked at me with the most confused eyes, begging for a wordless explanation of how he'd find out under these circumstances. Then she looked as if her eyes had flashed her very fate that seemed in arms reach, because if Ron was able to find out about me and Draco... how soon would they find out about Ginny and Pansy? It wasn't just my secret, it was theirs as well. One of the two involved outing two people—one of which would end up in purgatory if they were discovered.

"No- no- no she isn't." Ginny began struggling to find a cover. "You're wrong."

"Explain why her mouth would be on his outside the bloody fucking hospital wing?" He spat.

"Whose mouths?"

Oh for bloody sake. I smacked my forehead, and then looked up to one of the high windows that displayed the moon.

You owe me a fucking big one.

My eyes dropped from the window and I turned around to see Harry standing in the entry passage still in his school robes. Probably coming back from another late detention for whatever he's been up to lately.

"Aspen and Malfoy," Ron said with utter pride from being able to expose my rendezvous to Harry.

I winced at the announcement and dropped my head waiting for Harry's reaction. Waiting for his disappointment and ridicule.

"What?" Harry said with a mix of astonishment and confusion, as if he'd misheard Ron.

"Aspen and-" the sound of a smack paused Ron's sentence.

"Do you ever shove it, Ronald?" Ginny said.

"What about Aspen's mouth?" Harry asked.

"I swear Ron you are an absolute imbecile." Ginny continued her rant.

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